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"Woah!! What do you think it is?"
Fan looked at the glowing item. "I don't know... I'm currently analyzing it right now.." Balloon turned the item in many ways to analyze it, even the back. "Well it looks like that one Genshin thingy! But to be sure.. let's ask Test tube!" Fan grabbed Balloon's arm while going to the cabin

They reached the cabin and went to look for Test tube.

"Hey Fan! I found Test tube, let's go!" Balloon grabbed Fan's head while going up to Test tube

"O-Oh! Hey guys! Golly you guys kinda scared me... But what's up?" Test jumped back a bit when she saw them "Oh sorry Testy! Well... Me and Balloon found this cool looking genshin statue thingy! Here, take a look!" Fan grabbed the item out of Balloon's hands, giving it to Test tube, she then examined it, finding a carved name

"Huh... There's a carved name called 'Balloon'... Do you know anything about it?" Balloon's face went into shock as he heard his name, grabbing the item looking at the carved name. "I-I don't know anything about it! This wasn't even there before?!"

"Hmmm... Maybe the anemo god knows!!!" Test tube and Balloon then looked at Fan in confusion,Then Test tube broke the silence "Now now Fan... The anemo god..sss only exist in genshin impact, remember?"

Fan slightly frowned

"Awhh!! But c'mon, it would be really cool and awesome if it existed right now! The symbol even looks like it!" Fan took the Item out of Test tube's hand, "See! It almost looks like it!" "Yeah yeah... But seriously i need to know by running tests on it and stuff.."

Balloon took the item "Well... Be careful because i somehow feel a strong attraction to it." Test tube looked at Balloon at surprised to resting her face "Ofcourse.. if that's what makes you happy." Test tube gave Balloon a soft smile making Balloon feel calmer "Thank you.."

Balloon and Fan walked out leaving her to run some test on the 'Item'.

"Hey Balloon, what do you think the 'Item' thingy is? Well all i know it's not a genshin thingy... But it would be SO COOL IF IT WAS!" Balloon slightly flinched at the raised voice

"Hmm... I don't know but I'll call it the Idol..." "Oh! That's a pretty cool name! I think I'll call it that too!" Balloon and Fan continued walking until they stumble upon Knife who was just sitting on a tree stump

"OH! Heya Knifey!! Whatcha doin?" Knife looked up to both Fan and Balloon and stood up "Well just minding my own business... What are you guys up to?" "Well to start off.. Me and Balloon found a genshin idol with steroids on it and a cool lookin symbol and the back that carves the name 'Balloon' and we took it to Test tube so she can examine and run some test on it!" Knife raised one of his eyebrows up, slightly suprised at his explanation

"Uhm... Alright i guess but 'Genshin idol with steroids'? That's a weird name if you ask me.." Knife chuckled at the name "Wh- NOT MY FAULT IT LOOKS LIKE ONE!" Fan's face went on full red due to embarrassment "STOP LAUGHING KNIFE!!!!" "O-Okay okay I'll stop laughing at it!" Knife calms down from the chuckles


My face is literally full on embarrassment, not my fault it looks so much like it! But at the same time it's nice to see him laugh now once in awhile... Well no time for that! I'm kinda hungry... "I'm kinda hungry.. wanna get food?" "Sure i guess.. i mean if you want" Knife responded, Ofcourse i want to! I'm literally hungry! "Hey what about you Balloon? Wanna come with us?" Balloon looked at me "No thanks.. not hungry right now, I'll stay here" Balloon sat on the stump near Knife "Alright then! C'mon Knifey let's go!" I grabbed Knife's hand and took him to the kitchen


Apparently we're getting good, i am kinda hungry so I don't really mind, but I'm having weird feelings about him... As if like i don't mind the names he gives me.. Knifey.. Knifeters... Knight... Especially when he holds my hand.. i feel butterflies in my stomach.. but before i could even think about it, a hand was waving on my face, turns out it was Soap's hand

"Hey Knife.. you good there?" "Oh.. yeah.. just got lost in thoughts i guess.." "Oh, well Fan got you guys snacks and he left without you" "Oh, where did he go?" Soap put her hand on her chin..? "I think he went to go to Test tube" Test tube? I mean he did mention about an idol "Alright thanks." "No problem!" Soap waved a good bye, i waved back while walking away finding Fan

I was finding Fan, then i stumbled upon a room, guessing it's Test tube's room or lab because... It's Test tube

I listened through the door as i hear them speak, Test tube, Balloon, and Fan.

"Hmm.. do you think the idol is safe Testy?" Fan asked "Well i did research on it.. and...." Guessing it was Test tube because of the voice. "A-And..?? And what?" Balloon replied "We have to call it endangered because of it's dangerous acts when i last tested it, it's not safe around others, ESPECIALLY ones that aren't careful enough." Test tube sounded really serious, right then i heard footsteps so i quickly went to the living room, acting like nothing has ever happened..

"Endangered..? Dangerous..? Idols..? What else can this island give to us..?" I mumbled to myself, what have we gotten ourselves into..?

"Hey Knife! Sorry for leaving you like that, here!" Fan gave me a creampuff, i feel my face heating up, not the snack, something else about... Fan... "Oh, thanks" Fan looked up to me, suprised "Hey you doing alright? Your face is kinda red.. are you sick?" Shit he noticed my blush "Oh, that's nothing.. it's just kinda hot in here.." Hope he believes it..

"Oh! Alrighty then! I'll go outside for now, see ya later!" Fan waves me a goodbye, goddangit now i know why i feel weird about him...














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