(chapter 1)the first move

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About 6 months after the extermination Alastor and Lucifer started to become incredibly good friends and getting really close(too close that Angel started to get suspisious and thought they had a relationship already).

Well it was around 17:45pm in hell and Lucifer was in his room counting ducks when Alastor interrupted his counting by coming into the room "Well hello there my dear." Alastor said to Lucifer grabbing his waist from behind Lucifer gasped in shock not expecting Alastor to grab his waist "What do you want now?" Lucifer questioned since Alastor would only come into Lucifers room for something "What do you mean my dear?am i not aloud to see a friend?" Alastor replies to the question still holding onto Lucifer waist "well you only come into my room for something and let go of my waist." Lucifer hit Alastors hands away from his waist still wanting Alastor to hd his waist but he didnt know why but he was afraid Charlie would see them even thought she slept SIX FlOORS below them
"Ow." Alastor said after his hands got hit even thought it didnt hurt "Oh dont be such a pussy." Lucifer groaned(idk if thats the right word im looking for)Alastor gripped onto Lucifers waist again to annoy him and Lucifer wanted to push him away but didnt he had this weird feeling inside him that he didnt understand but tried to ignore it.

Right at that time Charlie came to check up on her father and stumbled upon her father and Alastor really close together"Oh fuck Charlie!"Lucifer said pushing Alastor into the wall making a dent "Ow what the fuck was that fo-...never mind." Alastor said rubbing his head then noticing Charlie at the door "Um....should i come back later?" Charlie questioned "N-no now is fine." Lucifer said stumbling upon his words
"Well i just came to check up on you and say that dinner is nearly ready." Charlie said trying to act like she didnt stumble upon Lucifer and Alastor "Okay char-char we will be down soon.." Lucifer said carmly then Charlie left.

"Well that was embarassing.." Lucifer said blushing a slight bit "Really i thought it was quite amusing." Alastor said looking at Lucifer with his giant grin that seemed to never leave his face "Oh shut up you." Lucifer said pinning Alastor to the wall he was already stood at "you do know your way to short to pin someone to a wall.." Alastor said picking Lucifer up and pinning him against the wall instead while Lucifer legs wrapped around Alastors waist...Silence filled the room while Lucifer and Alastor staired at each other then all of a sudden Alastor grabbed the kings chin and kissed him quickly making Lucifer gasp in shock before their lips touched.

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