(chapter 6) Valentines day

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(I know i know its not even valentines day but i want to do this alright😑and some of this one is baised of a comic i saw)

It was February 14th in hell and nearly everyone had a valentines exept two people...(Guess who🤣 but i think yall know)
Lucifer and Alastor.

Everyone was down stairs receiving chocolates from Lucifer since he made a giant batch (Ofc Husks has some cheap booze inside of them but he liked it if you think he didnt)"Thanks Lucifer!"Angel said giving him a hug after getting his batch of white chocolate hearts with bit of pink on them."Yea thanks dad these are really nice."Said Charlie eating one of the chocoaltes inside of her batch.
After nearly everyine was given there chocolates Lucifer went up to Alastor and passed him his batch"Here ya go Al!"He said handing Alastor his batch.
"Uh no thanks my dear i dont like sweet things!"Alastor said pushing the bag away
"Oh cmon dont be like that!"Lucifer said putting one of Alastors chocolates into his mouth then suddenly kissed Alastor(No one saw them!)" Ew bitter!"Lucifer said pulling away(Lucifer transferred the chocoalte through his mouth into Alastors if ya dont get what happend)"W-what did you do!..Did you poison me!"Alastor said shouting at Lucifer "Ofcourse not you idiot its just dark chocolate!" Lucifer replied "Welp anyway bye!" Lucifer said beginning to walk away but disapeared into thin air

"Huh?!" Lucifer said looking around the room he was in,he was in Alastors room
"Dont think you can get away from that so easily your majesty."Alastor said grabbing Lucifer and pushing him against his desk
" Oh cmon seriously..."Lucifer said sighing(that is the right spellin right?)
"Yep!" Alastor said kissing Lucifer
They kissed for quite a while..like...too long...way to long(Welp anyway This one is also kinda short so sorry and i will try to come up wirh some more ideas for chapters! Oh and there is 348 words)

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