(Chapter 2)the next morning

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The next morning when Lucifer woke up it was already 11:48 so that meant Lucifer slept in "Oh fuck!" Lucifer leaped out of bed clicking his fingers making his clothes for he fay apear on him fitting perfectly Lucifer made his way down to the main floor quickly.

Once he arrived..only Alastor stood there alone in the corner "uh...Al..where is everybody?" Lucifer questioned while walking towards Alastor
"Oh they have gone to do the exersize for the day." Alastor said turning around to look at Lucifer "Oh.." Lucifer said looking down at the grojnd a bit sad since he was meant to help with the exersize today Alastor hrabbed Lucifer chin and made Lucifer look at him "Smile my dear~your not fully dressed without one." Alastor said then kissed Lucifer on the lips once again Lucifer gasped like the last time still not used to getting kissed by the radio demon.Alastor pulled away from the kiss but Lucifer grabbed him and kept kissing Alastor starting to use a bit of tounge.This action suprised Alastor but he still enjoyed it and done the same thing.After a while the others came back from the exersize amd saw Alastor asleep on Lucifer on the couch(or sofa idk)

Angel went and sat on the couch/sofa opposite them and asked "So are you two dating or what?" This question made Lucifer blush and sit forward waking Alastor up"hm? What happend?"Alastor said suddenly waking up "Oh nothing." Lucifer said hidding his face so Alastor couldnt see him blushing "Im not stupid what happend and why are you blushing?" Alastor questioned the king "Oh i just asked a sensative question and accidentaly said the wrong thing.." Angel said trying to make the king trust him by lieng to Alastor which didnt work because Lucifer couldnt trust the porn star spider EVER."Wow i dont believe that."Alastor said staring at Angel"Now what really happend?"
"Well i only asked if you two were dating."Angel said hoping that sentence wouldnt cist his life " Hahah..ho why would you think that?"Alastor said blushing a tiny bit "Well probably because you two have been acting weird these two days..." Angel said puttng his long legs on the couch/sofa(ima just call it a coach from now on)
"No we havnt.." Lucifer said looking at Angel with a confused look "Yes you have...even Charlie is suspecting things." Angel replied getting up from his seat and heading towards the bar

"Shit really?" Lucifer and Alastor thought at the same time looking at each other.The time was 23:56 and Alastor only just noticed the time and went up to his room.Lucifer stayed down stairs with the others so they wouldnt suspect more things but once it hit 02:25 Lucifer went up to Alastors room to check up on him

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