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We were playing our last song for the night heaven was full. Liv was off side stage singing along and just rocking out to it. My guitar solo came up. I walked over to Evan and said look. He saw Liv and smiled. Corky stood on the speaker. She stepped to the side and fell off. I said oh shit! Evan saw and said stop the music. Liv jumped off the stage and we all checked on Corky. Evan said cut the lights on. Liv said Corky. Corky was holding her leg and crying. Liv said help me get her up. Me and Evan pulled her up carefully. Liv picked her up and said it's okay Corky we're gonna get you to a hospital. Corky couldn't stop crying. Liv carried her to the bus. Sam opened the door and said I'll drive. Corky on the couch and said it's gonna be okay. Corky said what if I'm not able to continue the tour? What are y'all gonna do. Liv said if that's the case I can fill in. I said you know how to play guitar? Liv said yeah. Don't worry Corky it's gonna be okay. Liv put a pillow under her leg and said someone grab her an ice pack please. Evan said yeah. He grabbed her an ice pack. Liv grabbed a shirt off the couch, wrapped it around the ice pack and put it on Corky's leg. She grabbed some ibuprofen and a bottle of water and gave it to Corky. Evan said you a nurse or something? Liv laughed and said no I've seen this injury many times in the ring. Sam said we're 20 minutes from the hospital. Corky couldn't stop crying. She said it's hurts so much. Liv held her hand and said I know, it's gonna be okay.

20 minutes later
Sam said we're here. Liv picked Corky up and carried her in the hospital. I said the fact that we have a girl carrying an injured girl when there's 3 fully grown men here is embarrassing. Evan laughed. We walked in the hospital

3 hours later
We walked in the bus. Corky broke her leg and sprained her wrist. So she's out for the rest of the tour. She's going home tomorrow. Corky laid on the couch and said this fucking sucks! Evan said I hate that this happened on your first tour dude Corky looked at Liv and said are you sure you're gonna fill in for me? Liv said yeah, I don't mind at all man. I said when she leaves tomorrow you wanna come crash in our bus. Chris's bus must be packed. Liv said I'd love that. Get me the hell away from him for a hot minute. Corky said you're gonna have fun. I said oh yeah she definitely will. I sat on the couch and turned on Death Note. Liv said I love death note. Evan said literally marry me. Liv laughed. We watched Death Note....

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