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Next day

Kym, Vinny and I went to the green room. We heard Evan and Liv talking. We backed up and listened. Liv said are you sure you're not mad at me? Evan said Livy, I promise I'm not mad at you. You didn't know. Evan said corky's calling me. (Speaker)

Evan: hello

Corky: hey, I'm sorry I didn't call you back yesterday I was at the doctor and I totally forgot to call when I got home. Anyways what happened to Liv.

Evan: so you know how Liv wrestles

Corky: yeah, I think I saw the replays of the match somewhere this morning. Are you okay?

Liv sighed

Corky: that doesn't sound good

Evan: well not exactly shit really hit the fan yesterday.

Corky: what happened?

Evan: you can't tell anyone. The only people who know are Cam and Sam.

Corky: of course! What's going on?

Evan: we didn't know Liv was pregnant when she was wrestling.

We were all in shock

Corky: is she still pregnant or did she miscarry?

Evan: miscarry

Corky: oh fuck

Liv was crying. Evan said awe Liv.

Liv: (crying) I didn't know, I feel like absolute shit for it.

Corky: Liv it's not your fault, you didn't know

Evan said there weren't any signs or anything. Liv said I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.

Evan: imma get off here and get her to the bus

We ran outside. Vinny said holy shit, I wasn't expecting to hear that. Kym said for the love of god nobody tell Chris. Ryan said nobody tell Chris what? I said let's go to the bus. Ryan said it's serious? I said oh yeah. We walked in the bus. Alicia, Talitha and Justin were in there. I said where's Chris? Alicia said somewhere in the venue. Ryan said so what are we not telling Chris? Kym said Liv was pregnant and the reason she was in so much pain during that match is because those hits to the stomach made her miscarry. Alicia said what? I said yeah, we just heard it leave Evan's mouth. Nobody is to tell Chris because he will flip shit and actually kill Evan. Justin said well duh, that's his daughter and he already hates Evan. Chris walked in and said did I just hear you correctly? Evan got Liv pregnant. I said Chris, don't flip out. Chris went to walk out. Kym grabbed his hand and said the poor girls already a mess. I said yeah man, she was sobbing in the green room. Don't make it worse. She already feels like shit for it. Chris said he knocked my daughter up! Talitha said yeah and she miscarried it! Leave her the hell alone. She doesn't need you bitching at her right now. Justin said just calm down. Chris took a deep breath and sat down. Chris said I literally can't stand that guy. Talitha said and your any better. Let me remind you he saved you from Liv actually killing you, he treats her like a literal queen and he's giving her a place to live after tour so she doesn't have to go home to your crazy mom! Chris said leave my mom out of this! Talitha said why?! She's just as guilty as you. I know she's said it to you but I'm gonna reiterate it you're a total dick Chris. If you go out there and bitch at her for something she's already heartbroken about you'll be down another dancer and I'll never tour with you again. Ryan said Talitha! Talitha said what?! He's been a total dick and why? Because he royally fucked up and lied to Liv! He has nobody to blame but himself in this mess! And he's trying to blame it all on Evan! Nah, Evan's been good to Liv! You're the asshole here Chris not Evan! Talitha walked out of the bus. Chris said Ryan you need to control your woman. Ryan said that's damn near impossible but I better not hear you bitch at Liv or Evan for this. Chris said what the hell?! Ryan said she's already going through literal hell with you and we're hanging on by a thread on this tour because of your shitty attitude and anger issues. So leave Liv the hell alone and stop being a dick. Talitha was right you fucked yourself on this one man and you're the only one to blame. Chris said oh fuck you. He walked out of the bus. Alicia said fucking hot head. I said understatement of the year....

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2024 ⏰

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