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Hello everyone, so as you saw last chapter smg6 got possessed by a weird version of herself. But luckily smg5 helped to save her, and that is great and all but. That doesn't help me. I was the reason why smg6 got possessed by Smg6.exe. I needed someone more powerful..And smg6 being all soft while with smg5 is just I thought this demon would help but..I guess I have to do things myself...And i just know one person who can help me..but he is busy manipulating random I guess I have to do this on my own..And also don't try to warn smg6. She won't believe you...I'm just a little and harmless creator..that's what smg6 thinks I here is my plan..I know smg5 wouldn't agree to it is..I make smg6 believe that smg5 got killed...she will believe me one way or another...and with all of that sadness and depression will make her do anything anyone will tell her..Like me. So she will do anything I tell her. Like..hmm..maybe killing people..then mass murder..then we will go to a different world and do the same there..endless cycle..and tons of power....hehehehe..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

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