Chapter 2 class of chillers

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Cheers!!!! We all screamed. I finally made it to the party because of Bella.
Everyone was present except our president who was on suspension.
Anyways we already got a text he was going to be present at the party. I sat down and watched everyone.We used Glacier hall, the most expensive hall in the country.
Henry was very rich and handsome just like kelvin although kelvin is my ex, I still have a lot of feelings for him. I had to pretend like we broke up because of Veleta, the rich bitch, the class hottie and not a little less arrogant.
She had this huge crush on kelvin and was ready to terminate anyone with him
We only get to spend time together when Veleta was absent
Unfortunately, I fell in love with James but deep down, I know I was just trying to get over kelvin.
"Antony"Precious screamed
Antony was the class president, aver cute, wierd, lovely and determined guy.
He kinda likes Samantha."Thonney baby, back from your suspension right" precious said and caressed his chest
" Precious do you want Samantha to kill you, that's her man " I said
"Exactly I wouldn't want her to rip off your face" Victoria said
I spotted Kelvin talking with Veleta, I have known him for a while now and with this expression, he is definitely not enjoying it.The lights came back on
"Ohh, something's popping" Victoria said setting her ring light
Henry was on stage, the next moment he was kneeling down in front of Bella.
"I know I should have done this since but I am using this opportunity to do this" he heaved a sigh before he continues" Will you be my girlfriend " he asked
Bella stared not really in total surprise." Go for it, baby" I screamed
"Ye-yes" she said and applause and screams filled the air
They hugged each other and laughed, Kelvin smiled and stared at me directly but I looked away
I looked beside me and saw James and Kelvin together. These guys are like worst enemies, a drama was surely going to ensure.
"You idiot, why did you break Olivia's phone" Kelvin said
" Because clearly you seem to continually disturb her with calls and chats.Anways we broke up"
" What audacity" Kelvin said and held James jacket
Henry interfered " woo woo guys let's calm down" he said
"But girls are to be respected" Kelvin said letting go of James cloth.
" Let's stop this " Victoria said.
"Moreover we just got a new couple # very" precious said and a huge applaud was heard
" Hey everyone gather round ,we are livestraming" Victoria said
I looked and Veleta drinking a champagne she saw me and immediately clinger herself into Kelvin
" Okay in five, four, three, two ...Victoria said but was interrupted by Bella.
" what about the cake"
Henry rushed to get the cake
" Oh my gosh" Henry screamed
" What" we asked
" Someone literally ate half of the cake" .
We all stared at the class foodie, Declan
" It's a misunderstanding, I promise I didn't eat it" Declan said
We all stared harder
" Fine, I ate a little" he confessed
" No worries about the cake, all I need is my gf and my classmates" Henry said and we all blushed
"Okay guys ,in five , four ,three,two..Victoria said but was interrupted by Antony
" You all should submit your project on Monday " he said
" Thonney" we all screamed

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