Chapter 13

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HIII!! Next chapter babes! Summary of last chapter was that Aether had a nightmare about Ayato and tried to unalive himself and then got sent to the hospital. This chapter will be the aftermath of what happened in the last one.

「 11:56 a.m 29/3/24 」

Sorrowful Madness

It was currently 2:03 am and Lumine had just walked out of the hospital her phone in hand, shaking with a teary eyed expression. She of course, was absolutely heart broken for her twin brother. Tears fell once more as her vision fogged up. She opened her phone and called someone.

*Ring! Ring!*

"Hey... Eula...? C-can you pick me up?" She asked, choking on the lump that had formed in her throat.
"Lumine? Of course! Are you okay?!" The other girl asked worried for her friend.
"Mhm... I'll explain once you get here and it has something to do with my brother..." She sobbed trying not to think about everything that had happened.


Lumine had squatted down, a waterfall ran down her face as she waited for her beloved friends to come pick her up. She let her tears fall down until she had none left. But alas, her friends still hadn't come. But, who could blame them? The hospital was 25 minutes away. She had felt like shit. No one to comfort her and nothing else in her mind except for her wanting to beat herself up. As she sat there, waiting, she reminisced all the now forgotten memories. How she would always style his hair to when Aether would always sleep on her shoulder in car rides. Whatever reasons, they were there for each other and she wouldn't just let him go so easily.

Eula's car pulled up and parked next to the entrance where the bitter girl was sitting.
"Lumine! Are you ok?! What happened! Where's Aether?!" Amber questioned dreading the worst.
"He... He tried to c-commit today..." She replied, her voice broken through the sobs of her heart. Eula and Amber had looked at her, shocked, as if she had just dropkicked a baby. None of them would believe it. None of them could believe it... except for Eula. After all, he was such a happy boy living the "perfect life"! Of course though, Eula had seen through his facade of the happy life but of course saw his impurities and insecurities he had because, she had lived through that time too.

"Which room number is he?!" Eula panicked. "R-room 26," Lumine spoke while chocking on her words. Eula ran through the doors of the hospital and went to the receptionist. "DO YOU KNOW WHERE ROOM 26 IS?!" The blue haired girl inquired without losing a second. "Are you immediate family?" The receptionist asked, staring at her nails. "NO BUT I'M THE PATIENTS BEST FRIEND!" Eula shouted once again. This answer made the receptionist look up from her nails and towards Eula. "Ugh fine. Follow me this way," The girl rolled her eyes and sat up from her chair. She soon led Eula to an iron door with the numbers 26 written on it. As Eula stepped inside and the nurse walked away, she started to tear up at the sight of her friend. Seeing all the freshly bandaged wounds on him made her eyes feel weary. And it didn't help the fact Aether was now crying and mumbling something in his sleep.

Eula's POV:

"Please... I didn't hurt her...
Believe me..."

Was all the I could make out of his words. 'Hurt who? Did Aether hurt someone? No way. He would never! Then the person who said they got hurt was lying! Could this be some type of event that happened in the past? Or maybe is it happening in the present but in secret? Either way I'll make sure whoever that is will fucking pay. Vengeance will be mine and my vengeance will be relinquished when I stand over their fucking dead body...' I think while tying to figure out why he said those few words. She wiped off Aether's tears and soon went out of the room and back to where Lumine and Amber were. Lumine was now sleeping and both of them were in the car. 'Guess I'll have to ask Lumine later about any traumatic experiences Aether might've had.' I thought and headed to my car. While walking though, I saw in the corner of my eye and overheard a girl saying she was Khira Voldsk and she needed to be taken to the patient in room 26 immediately and surprisingly, the nurse agreed.

'I wonder why she needs to see Aether...' My mind inquired once again. I sat down in my car and stared at Amber who had dozed off a bit before I came into the car and Lumine with tear stains on her shirt. 'I wonder how fate will play out. Maybe I should ask Mona for advice.' I wonder as I start my car, making sure to lock it. "Let's just get back to our dorms," I muttered, tired from the lack of sleep and also from everything that happened.

-Back at the dorms 3:41 am-

Ayato's POV:
"Where is Aether?" I say, looking on the cameras I had placed in his dorm. "Not in his room, not in the kitchen, I don't think he's in the bathroom (I don't have cameras there) wait, is that blood on the floor? Also why is there a bloodied knife near the blood? Did something happen to him? Where is he?" I say, starting to become panicked. 'I know! I'll just check his location!' I think while taking out my phone to check his location. But to my dismay, it says Aether is in his dorm. 'He left his phone at his dorm...' I thought while starting to get paranoid. "Where the fuck are you?!" I accidentally shout.

No one's POV:
"Oi Ayato, shut up will you? Some of us ar-" Childe stared at Ayato and what was on his screen monitors while Ayato just stared at him angrily. "Learn to fucking knock first!" Ayato replied, annoyed at the disappearance of his lover. "Ok, ok jeez but why the fuck do you have cameras installed in someone else's dorm?" Childe asked, concerned about the blue haired man's activities. "None of your business," Ayato whisper-shouts back, "Now get out of my room!". Childe left Ayato's room with too many questions in his mind. 'Who's dorm is that?' and 'Why does the furniture look so familiar?' were the 2 main questions. He also wondered what the usual cheery Ayato was doing and why he snapped at him like that. Although it seems he couldn't say anything either because another side or him was slowly but surely being uncovered without the attention of a certain blonde male. Maybe that's what is bothering Ayato? The ginger thought while heading back to bed. Although these questions will soon be uncovered in the next chapter of this story...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27 ⏰

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