×A rivalry

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I look at her, she looks at him
He sees her, she's in front of him
He sees her, but he notices me
I know there's something between him and me

She flaunts herself, parades her body
Her perfect curves and flawless skin
She's got the bangs and miniskirts
Shame she's nothing within

She's an eye candy, as far as that goes
But what he really wants is something more
I know what he is looking for
She'll see me in a light like never before

I wait for my chance to shoot my shot
She hastes in a race where patience is key
Way past the goal I see the ball flee
He smiles but I know it's uncomfortably

He then looks at me and silently pleas
I read his expression and know what he needs
I walk over and look at her knees
With a few simple words, I had him with ease

She looks at me with hate in her eyes
But she knows I've won anyways
I'll always be the girl she couldn't
He doesn't want perfect, miss barbie-doll-face

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