Enchantress Supreme's Magical Adventure

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Hi! I am Olivia Jones, the Enchantress Supreme. I have some amazing power of hypnosis, telepathy, telekinesis, reality altering and many others that even I haven't discovered yet. I had a small family, which consisted my mother Maya Jones, my father Edward Jones, and my twin brother Harry Jones. We used to lead a happy and peaceful life. But my life changed when I was in 6th grade, I got to know that I am having some special powers.

One day when I was sitting in a park and solving some math problems, which was too hard for me to be solved, but I had to because I promised my brother that I could solve the problem for him in return of a chocolate. I got very irritated because I was not able to solve it and suddenly I said" Somebody please help me solve this problem." As I said this somebody from behind said," How did you call me? Are you the great Enchantress Supreme?" I turned around and saw a lady standing few steps away from me. She was wearing a black gown and a black witch hat, she was having black curly hair and pale skin.

Me- I didn't call you and also I am not any type of enchantress. I don't even know who you are.

Sabina- I am Sabina, the Goddess of Witches and I am absolutely sure that you called me, so you are the Enchantress Supreme.

Me- Hey you! drama queen didn't you hear I said you that I didn't call you and I am not your Enchantress Supreme.

Sabina- I never thought that the Enchantress Supreme would be so careless, rude and arrogant.

Me-(angrily) How dare you call me like that huh? Here I am not able to understand how to solve this problem and you are telling me that I am an enchantress. I am so confused.

Sabina- Don't worry your problem is solved and soon you will get to know that you are the Enchantress Supreme.

She said this and walked away and suddenly vanished into the air. I was totally confused and scared. When I looked down into my copy I saw that the problem, which I was not able to solve, is done. Then I got to understand that when she was telling me that my problem is solved, she wasn't kidding. I was totally astonished.

To be continued.....

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