Enchantress Supreme's Magical Adventure (Chapter-3)

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When Sabina suddenly came into my room I was startled.

Me- How did you come into my room?

Sabina- (confused) I grabbed the handle of the door, pushed it and came into the room.

Harry- (sighs) (to Sabina) She meant that you weren't in this house, so how did you came here?

Sabina- I heard the Enchantress Supreme ask for help, so I came here.

Me- Ooh! Now I get to understand how to call you. But you can't call me the Enchantress Supreme until you tell me when and how did I became the Enchantress Supreme.

Sabina- You were born being the Enchantress Supreme.

Me- But my mom never told me about it.

Sabina- Your mom?

Harry-(jokingly) So from these many years I didn't know my little sister was a witch.

Me- Harry! It's no time for joking.

Harry- Ok. But Sabina you said Oli is The Enchantress Supreme, so she very special now. But what about me? Don't I have any special power?

Sabina- You can manipulate fire!

Harry- Manipulate fire?

Sabina- Means that you can create fire in your hand and use it in various ways, like you can make fire balls and you know fire is so deadly, so if you ever have any enemy they will be afraid of you.

Harry-(excited) Woah! It's so cool. I can use fire in so many ways!

Me-(warning) But you shouldn't use it to harm anyone.

Harry- Ok, I won't harm anyone.

Me- Sabina what about me? How will I use my powers?

Sabina- Umm! Your power is very complicated and I don't know what power you have because all witches don't have same power. So I will teach you some other day.

Me- Ok.

Harry-But Sabina we are living here for so long time but we never saw you than why did you appear now?

Sabina- Harry, I have been looking for you since a long time but never found you, until Olivia summoned me.

Me- Hmm.

Harry- Sabina, is Olivia the only Enchantress Supreme? Were there any other Enchantress Supreme before her? And also why is there any need of Enchantress Supreme?

Sabina- So there are too many questions for me (laughed). Yes, for now Olivia is the one and only Enchantress Supreme and there were many other Enchantress/Enchanter Supreme before her. The previous Enchantress...

Suddenly mom called us for dinner.

Sabina- You must go for the dinner.

Me- But ...

Sabina- Afterwards I will surely tell you. She said this and vanished from there.

Harry- Where did she go?

Me- I don't know. Last time also she vanished like this

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