Enchantress Supreme's Magical Adventure (Chapter-2)

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After the incident I went to my home. That evening I was lying on the bed completing my home works, when my brother rushed into my room. He was gasping and shaking with fear.

Me- What happened Harry? Why do you look so scared?

Harry- A...A witch came into my room.

Me- A witch! What absurd are you talking? How can a witch come into your room? I don't think such things are even present in our world.

Harry- Why don't you believe me? I am not lying. She said herself to be the Goddess of Witches.
I immediately got to understand what Harry was talking about.

Me-What else did she tell you?

Harry- She told me that we shouldn't be here right now. She also told me that you have met her earlier. But how do you know that witch?

Me- Yes, I met her today at the park. She suddenly came in front of me said me that I called her and also that I am the Enchantress Supreme.

Harry- What are you?

Me- The Enchantress Supreme.

Harry- Wi... Witch! You're a witch.

Me- Oh! Come on. She just said that once, I don't know if she is true or not.

Harry- Then why don't we ask her?

Me- Are you mad? She said herself to be the Goddess of Witch, with this can't you imagine how dangerous she can be.

Harry- But we should try ones. Maybe she is true.

Me- So you think I am a witch.

Harry- I said maybe.

Me- Ok

Harry- Now sit on the bed and call her in the same way that you did earlier.

Me- Actually Harry I think you didn't hear properly. I said that she appeared in front of me from nowhere, so I don't know how I called her last time.

Harry- (surprised) What? You don't know how you called her last time?

Me- (sadly) Yes.

Harry- (frustrated) Oli, seriously you are the most stupid person in the world. If I were in your place, I would have already figured out the way to summon her.

Me- If you think yourself to be such a smartass, why don't you figure out how I can summon her. (muttering)Ugh! I just wish somebody would help me shut this idiot's mouth.

As I said this somebody opened my room's door, and it was none other than Sabina!

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