The Enchantress Supreme's Magical Adventure (Chapter-4)

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After Sabina vanished from there, we both went for dinner. Then when we came to the room I remembered that I forgot to complete my Computer project, so I thought of summoning Sabina to complete my project but then I changed my mind.
Next morning, when I woke up, First I went to Harry and woke him up.

Me-Harry wake up! See it's 6 o' clock already.
Harry- Uff! I don't want to go to school today and also you should go and complete your project.
Me- (happily) I have already completed my project.
Harry- (lazily) Well done!
Me- Harry, wake up.
Harry- Ok...Ok, I am waking up.

Then we got ready for school and went to the school.

After few classes we had our recess time after which we were having our computer class.
Few minutes before when the recess time was going to be over, I saw Alicia (a bully) coming to me.

Alicia- Hey you red head!

I tried to ignore her and mix with other students but Alicia suddenly came in front of me.

Alicia- (angrily) Hey Olivia, can't you hear me. Did you complete your project?
Me- Yes, I did. But, why are you asking?
Alicia- You don't need to know so many things. You just hand it over to me.
Me-(confidently) I won't give you my project.
Alicia- Are you trying to scare me? If you won't give me your project, I will snatch it from you.
Ashley, who was standing few meters away from me, heard Alicia and came to me
Ashley (friend)- (angrily) Hey Alicia! Olivia won't give you her project. You should make your own.

Alicia got nervous when everyone started giving her weird looks. They started whispering about how she wanted to snatch my project away. This made her become agitated.

Alicia- Ashley, you don't need to come in between us.
Ashley- Olivia is my friend and if you try again to cause any problem for her then I will tell about it to our principal.

Then Alicia didn't say anything and we both went to the class.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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