Fighting headcannons w/Carmilla/velvette/vaggie/charlie

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A/n: I writers block bad. Like- i need to do requests but can't- also, no pictures cause its too many ppl. (i listened to we don't talk about Bruno while writing this)

Info: reader is gender neutral

Fighting headcannons with (some) the Hazbin girls!

Characters: Carmilla Carmine/Velvette/Charlie/Vaggie

Genre: angst/slight fluff

Carmilla Carmine: She isn't one to fight, she's not someone to lose her composer over something little or not worth fighting for. But, she will argue if it's about something really important that you guys can't agree on. For example, if she wants to keep the dead exorcist thing a secret and you don't. Then there would be a lot of arguing and fighting that night, or even in the morning the following day if it' really bad. She'll also fight about wanting to keep you or her daughters safe if something dangerous is happening and you're not hearing her out. She doesn't want to hurt you, she wants to just keep you and her girls safe.

Velvette: You two usually have small squabbles or fights, not full on yelling and screaming fights. But when you do have a big fight like that. It usually lasts from as short as five minutes or as long as a few days. Of course, it doesn't mean you fight every single minute of the day, it just means you two will be salty and bitchy towards each other and break out into random fight on those days. There has been many times you two have broke up, had hate sex, and got back together.

Charlie: Fights are extremely rare. She's not one to yell or raise her voice. She would rather handle everything calmly and politely. I'd say the only times she'll raise her voice or yell at you is when she's REALLY stressed- like maybe after Heaven doesn't listen. Adam just straight up disrespects her, or when her mother won't show up. Then she'll yell and raise her voice. It won't be specifically towards you, like the problem isn't caused by you, but she'll get madder if you yell back, or she'll get sad and give you space, it really depends on what you're fighting about. She'll also  raise her voice at you if you put yourself in to much danger. But she'll quickly turn soft and hug you. She always feels really bad after you two fight, even if it isn't always her fault only. Expect a lot of apology gifts (and a song if you're lucky).

Vaggie: She tries her best not to fight. She doesn't like to, but she gets so stressed, overwhelmed, and mad and can't help it. Let's be honest, she seems like she has anger issues and a low self esteem. So she gets irritated often. She wouldn't start a fight for no reason of course, she will have light arguments with you more often rather than big fights, and the arguments aren't that harsh either. I feel like she'd only get into a large fight if you were to reckless, she's just scared of losing you. She'd feel so bad after though, she'll apologize and say everything she did wrong, then you'll cuddle for the rest of the night.

A/n: I'm not sure if these are OOC...cause I haven't been on here for a while and forgot how the characters act a little 😭😭. Anyways I'm trying to post again!

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