"Better?" (Completed)

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  Kunikida was woken up by his alarm clock. He had forgotten to turn it off on his free day. It was 6 am the sun barely rising. He then felt someone move beside him. It was Bram, he groaned at the alarm sound and reached to the night stand to turn it off.

"Go back to sleep you don't have work today." Bram said to Kunikida

Kunikida didn't answer he was too tired too. He felt himself dozing off. Bram moved him closer and Kunikida wrapped his arms around Bram. It had been very cold recently but just Bram hugging him made him feel a bit warm at least. After a few more minutes Kunikida woke up again this time feeling a bit more energized. He tried to get up but Bram had his arms around him still.

"Bram, could you let me go please?" he asked quietly not trying to disrupt him much.

Bram waited for a while and then let him go. Kunikida stood up and got out of bed.

He headed to the bathroom to brush his teeth and then went to make them breakfast. Aya seemed to have left for school, so he took his time. As he was making himself some eggs he felt someone behind him.

"Good morning Bram, are you hungry?" he asked even though he knew his response.

"No" Bram said putting laying his chin on Kunikida's shoulder.

After Kunikida finished cooking Bram stood up straight and just waited till Kunikida finished eating. Then Bram went to turn on the TV in the living room and sat down. Kunikida sat next to him, but with his computer he wanted to finish a report he left for the agency.

A few hours later Kunikida closed his computer and looked at Bram who was still watching the TV. He leaned against him, putting his head on Bram's shoulder. Bram put his hand on his hand and ran his fingers through his hair. As he did that he noticed how tangled Kunikida's hair was. It was very unusual for this since he know how Kunikida is about hygiene.

"Your hair is tangled" Bram told him

"Oh, i'll brush it later I don't have the energy right now really" Kunikida said just looking at the TV still leaning on his shoulder.

Bram just got up and headed to the bathroom. Catching Kunikida off guard, he almost fell since he was leaning on Bram. No less than a minute later Bram comes back with a hairbrush and sits back down on the couch.

"Sit down closer, i'll brush it" said Bram telling Kunikida to sit down next to him on the couch.

Kunikida moved closer to Bram, having the back of his face facing Bram. Bram carefully grabbed a strand of his blonde hair. His hair felt really soft. Bram started brushing carefully trying not to be rough but enough strength that it would untangle his hair. Kunikida felt somewhat a relief feeling when Bram brushed his hair, almost comforting. After a few minutes the sun shined through the window. It shined on Kunikida's hair, making it look like a honey color. Bram always liked when his hair shined on the sun, it was a comforting color. After he was done brushing his hair he ran his fingers through it.

"Better?" Bram asked Kunkida sitting in front of him feeling better.

"Very, thank you dear" said Kunikida turning himself to face Bram.
Kunikida couldn't help the urge and went in and hugged Bram putting his face on Bram's chest. Bram wrapped his arms around Kunikida and pulled him closer. The hug was warm and comforting for both of them. Bram kissed the top of his head. They stayed there for a long time not wanting to leave the comfort of eachother.

I honetsly don't know what I'm writing but I've just have had free time during school really quick chapter I wanna feed my kunibram people

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