Heading out

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A year later...

Ellie laid in her little knook, her figure laying on the soft moss as she slept. Her soft breathing quickly turned ragged as she started to twist and turn. Beads of sweat coated her forehead as small whimpers came from her throat. She swore she could hear the distant sound of angry voices all around her. Quickly, She shot up, breathing heavily as she looked around. No fire. No pitchforks. She was safe. She sighed before she grabbed her journal and a feather. Dipping the feather in a small jar of ink, she started writing.

It happened again. The same nightmare. Or maybe it's a memory.  Neither way, Part of me wonders if it'll ever stop, another part knows that it never will. Eventually, I'll tell Eggs about what happened to me, where I'm from, and who I am. But not today. I still need time to heal.

With a sigh, she closed the journal. The reason she started her daily journal because she wanted to write and make memories of everything she experienced and, maybe, slowly start to recover from her internal darkness. So why not write about it? Also, another reason she started journaling was that she wanted to write important events that happen to her. Once she placed her journal back in it's place, she slowly got out of her nook as saw the pile of sleeping Boxtrolls. On top she saw Eggs. She sighed before she slowly walked over to the pile. Over the year she had been with them, most of them had been caught by the same people who hit her with their vehicle. She had tried so hard not to lose control of her anger and rip them apart for Capturing and killing innocent creatures. But she had learned a long time ago that it was better to be a pacifist, so that's what she was now. She carefully climbed up to the top of the pile and saw Eggs half awake.

"Ellie? What is it?" He asked, being careful not to accidentally wake up the others.

She sighed, not wanting to talk about it.

"Was it another nightmare?"

She slowly nodded. A soft yawn soon came from her lips. He sighed, knowing that she wasn't ready to open up to him yet. Eggs scooted over a little a patted the open spot next to him. Ellie, in turn, smiled before casually laid herself on top of him, her arms wrapping around his torso as if he was a pillow for her to use. She immediately felt his body freeze, though she could sense that he wasn't uncomfortable. She smiled before she quickly fell asleep. Eggs, noticing that she was already peacefully asleep, pulled her closer to him with a smile as he closed his eyes in content. Nothing but comfort was shared through their warm embrace.


Hours later, Ellie stirred in her slumber before her eyelids fluttered open. The small lights above carefully landed on the to best friends, making her squirt and groan as she sat up, blinking a couple of times to ensure that her body would wake up completely. She yawned and stretched out before turning onto her side to stare at her adorable sleeping best friend beside her. Falling into a daydream-like daze about the boy she had grown to crush on, too lost in thought to realize that Eggs had just half woken up in her gaze.

"Mn, good morning" he said quietly, groggily, his eyes fluttering open and squinting at the soft light above them.

Ellie's eyes shot open as she snapped back into reality and awkwardly smiled.

"Haha...sorry. good morning, Eggsie."

He laughed at the nickname before bell rang and he reached up to turn on the light. All the boxtrolls fell all over the ground as Ellie skillfully landed on her feet. She yawned again before she stretched and felt a satisfying pop in her back. Afterwards she fixed her hair before she went to her little project. It was made from scrap metal, gears, and glass. It looked like a telescope but with silver, bronze, and golden metal bits. Instead of it being meant for looking at stars, she made it so that whoever looks through it sees beautiful colored glass art. It's a telescope puzzle. But it wasn't done yet. She still needed a few more pieces and more colored glass to finish it. But for now, she would continue working on it with the bits and pieces she had. Pulling her goggles over her eyes, she immediately got to work. Not long after, she started hearing music echoing through the cave. A soft smile graced her scarred face as she listened to the beautiful harmony Eggs and fish was creating.

Here's the song.

She bobbed her head along as she worked.


That night, Ellie, Eggs, Fish, Shoe, and a few other boxtrolls went up to the surface. Ellie never left the cave except for at night, saying that humans weren't as accepting as the boxtrolls were. Especially in her case. Once out on the street, Ellie followed Eggs out of the manhole and looked around. Her ears twitched as she listened around for anyone or the redhats. All clear. She sighed before she stretched out.

"Alright" she told herself before she started transforming.

She raised her hand to the full moon as her nails grow into shimmering claws. Moonlight sweeping over her skin as she started sprouting a glistening pelt. As her fur cloaks her modesty, the bandages around her feet unravel, revealing her cute little toebeans. A long tail covered in thick floof sprouted behind her while she twirls around. Her muzzle extended, forming a smile of glistening fangs. Ears perked up to points as she now stood on all fours. She finished her trasformation with a howl, a song going out to the moon. Eggs smiled as he looked at her.

"You know, you look adorable in your wolf form" he disclosed smoothly before flipping his goggles onto his eyes.

Not being able to handle his adorable dorkiness, she felt her fur-covered cheeks lightly burn. She gave him a "shut up" look, resulting him to lightly laugh at her. She rolled her eyes before they started scavenging.

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