"Yeah and who gave em to me?"

26 0 0

Today is going to be a very exhausting day.

I'm going to go on a run with Glenn and Maggie.

I hope those too can keep their hands from each other.

We get into my truck and I start to drive. My truck is very dear to me.

No one except from Daryl can drive it.

And he can only drive it because he sometime allows me to drive his bike.

I remember how he thought me.

We know where we wanna go.

Yesterday Lori came to me to ask me to get some Abortion pills for her.

And a Pregnancy test.

I honestly think that she should get rid of the child.

This word is so bad and a sweet little child does not deserve to be here.

We go inside the Store and I walk over to the hygiene Isle.

I take some Tampons and Pads and then take a Pregnancy test and some Abortion pills.

Then I walk over to the counter. I see Maggie and Glenn kissing rolling my eyes.

I see some cigs and quickly pack them in ma bag.

Daryl would kill me if he knew.

Then I take some bottles of alcohol.

One Vodka and a couple of Bourbens.

I know Merl and Daryl like these.

I never had a close relationship with Merle.

He was never protective of me when my dad got mad.

Even Leavt me and Daryl there.

Daryl tool care of me.

Made sure I was okay.

Even wanted to move out with me when he made enough money.

We never did.

I find a Pill Isle and get so exited. I take a bag from the store and stuff all of them inside there.

Maggie and Glenn still fucking making out.

"Come on lovebirds. I've got everything "

They both got red and followed me outside.

We went into the Truck and drove home.

I loved the prison so much that It is definitely a home for me.

I walk into the cafeteria where Rick, Merle and Daryl wait for us.

Hershel was being outside. He's started to walk again.

I've got some good ass stuff.

I put the pills on the table

"Good job Nel" Rick said and I smile.

"I've got something for ya merle"

I get one of the licor bottles out and give it to Merl.

I make sure to hide the other ones so that I can keep them to myself.

I am going to drink them later to make myself feel better.

I know Merl will play some Drinking games with me.

"Sorry"i say to Daryl.

I promised to look for cigarettes but I just wanna keep them for myself.

I've been smoking for a while without Daryl knowing.

Merle got them for me before shit went down.

I walk towards Lori and give her the stuff she asked for without anybody seeing it.

It was already pretty late. I went into the shower and get myself all cleaned up.

Then I get dressed and walk towards

I take ma Backpavk with me.

He was sitting on the bed.

"Guessed ya were comming"

"Ya know me"

I sit down on the floor and Merle does the same.

"I take his bottle and take some sips.
We start to play never have I ever.

I know it's stupid because we are siblings but the point is to get drunk.

So we ask questions where we know that the other one gets drunk.

After we have drunk two bottles I am completely wasted.

I take out one of the cigarettes and give one to Merle.

I've got 3packs.

I take one myself and light it as well as Merles.

We start smoking while talking about nothing and everything.

I feel someone stand behind me and I take my knife out standing up.

Just Daryl.

Fuck! Daryl.

I'm to drunk to really care so I sit back down.

"The Fuck you two doing?" He sounds mad.

"Drinking. What ya doing here?"

"Smelled some cigs"

He looks a Merle.
Only now he sees that I'm smoking too. He rips it out of my hand and smokes it himself.

"The fuck you doing smoking? Ya know that I don't want you to. It's bad"

"It ain't so bad. Otherwise you wouldn't do it"

"And you?" He points at Merle.

"Whd you let her smoke? And drink this shit?!" Merle gets up.

"She's been smoking for years idiod"

I slap my hand across my forehead.

"What?!" Daryl looks at me again. I get up.

"Yeah and who gave em to me?"

Daryl looks between me and Merle and walkes towards him pushing his Jar.

Then he takes my hand dragging me with him.

"Where we going?" I'm getting really dizzy and fall down.

He grunts and carrys me now.

He walks Into the shower putting it on cold and holding me under it to sober me up.

Damn that actually worked.
"Men I'm sorry ojay?

"Why ya smoke?"

"Makes me feel better. I've been doing it since Dad.." I stop speaking.

"I know what he did to ya. And I'm so sorry. You know I tried to protect ya"

"I know Daryl. I love ya so much big brother"

We hug and he brings me into bed.

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