Part one- when we first met

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The whole week had been a blur. I was so nervous about meeting all of my favourite players who were now going to be my teammates. Of course this move had been planned for months but now it felt completely real, maybe because it finally was. When my transfer had been announced the media had gone crazy. Arsenal had been one of the best times of my life but after playing there since my youth I decided I needed some change and now I was in a cab on my way to my first training session with Barca.

I walked into the building and was greeted by Jonatan.
- Finally you are here, welcome! He said.
- Thank you! I am so exited to be here.
We spoke about the plan for the day and then I got shown to the dressing rooms were Jonatan introduced me to the team. It felt like a dream seeing some of the best players in the world just waiting to introduce themselves to me.
- Welcome to Barcelona. Alexia said while shaking my hand.

We spoke about my trip and where I was currently going to live. While I was speaking to Alexia and also Fridolina who had joined in I felt someone staring at me. Ona Batlle, the fullback of the team. She looked away as soon as she saw that I caught her looking at me. I remember playing against her when she played at United and I always felt something I couldn't put my finger on. It was something about her that I didn't understand but at least now I could get to know her better.

During training I also spoke with Lucy who I knew from before. We play together at England and since I am one of the younger players in the team she always took care of me and gave me advise. She felt like my older sister who I could always go to for help. In training I was amazed by all the talent. I saw tricks after tricks and world class goals in just 2 hours. I played as a winger and Barca had shown interest in me because of my ability to both score goals from outside the box but also my passing into the box for the striker to score. I have always had a strong shot and working on my speed and technique has helped me to get to where I am today.

After practice we all went into the dressing rooms as usual. Straight across from me was Ona who seemed to be a bit off. She just stared and looked away without any expression on her face. I brushed it off thinking she was just tired and got ready to go for lunch. Lunch after training is the best thing ever and we always have a fun lifting session in the gym afterwards. It is also nice to get outside practice done earlier when it's not too hot outside. I sat down with my plate next to Kiera and Lucy. Not too soon after Ona sat down in front of me. I smiled and she smirked back. I guess lunch put her in a better mood.
- So how do you feel after your first training session here? She asked. Her accent sounded so beautiful that I almost forgot to answer.
- Actually really good. All the players are so amazing and the weather is also great. In England it rained almost all the time and it just brought the mood down. I replied.
- Sí, I remember the weather was the worst when I played there as well.
We both laughed and continued to speak about everything we remember playing for our old English teams.

As time passed and lunch and the lifting session was over it was time to go home. I stood by the door and was about to call for a cab when Ona came up behind me.
- Vas a ir a tu casa? (Are you going home?) She asked in Spanish.
I could understand what she meant since I studied Spanish at school but I didn't speak it very well.
- Yes, I was just about to call for a taxi.
- No, I can drive you. You live really close to me.
- How do you know where I live you stalker. I replied while laughing.
Ona blushed and looked away.
- Lucy told me, she said she had helped you find a place. She said explaining herself.
- Hahah okay. And yes I would like a ride home if you don't mind.

We walked towards her car and she opened the car door for me before I could even reach for the door handle. I blushed. It was something about her that made me feel something. I saw her smirk at how she made me feel before she jumped into the drivers seat.
- You know I could drive you to training everyday until you get your own car. I used to go with Mariona until I got my car.
- That would be so nice of you, gracias. I said and both of us started laughing.
- It is actually good that you speak so bad Spanish because I need to learn better English.
- Well I need to learn Spanish so this will be good for both of us.

We drove listening to Ona's Spotify list. She was singing along to all the songs. Eventually she stopped outside my apartment building. She ran out of the car and opened the door for me. I smiled at her and hugged her goodbye. I was happy knowing that we were going to be driving together to training every morning now.

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