Part three- come eat brunch with me

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I woke up after dreaming about Ona the whole night. The way her hands moved, her eyes when she looked at me. She was so hot. I got up wearing a pair of shorts and a t shirt and went to wash my face. After I walked to my kitchen, about to make a coffee when I heard someone knocking at the door. I rushed over and opened, it was Ona.
- Hey good morning, what are you doing here? I asked and gave her a hug.
She seemed surprised by my move but hugged me tight. She smelled so good I couldn't believe it, I didn't want to let go but unfortunately we couldn't stay like this forever.
- Come eat brunch with me? She asked.
I smiled at her. She wanted to spend time with me, even more after yesterday.
- Yes but I have to get changed first, I just woke up.
- Still you look so hot, Ona whispered.
I don't think she meant to say that out loud so I pretended that I didn't hear it yet my heart was beating even faster now.

I invited her in and walked to my wardrobe. I decided to wear just a pair of low waisted jeans shorts and a top since it was so warm out. I turned around to take my shirt off since I didn't have anything underneath. I quickly put a bra on but I could feel Ona's eyes on me. I turned around and she was practically standing on me.
- You look so pretty mi amor, she whispered in my ear.
I didn't know what to say, I just stared at her. Our eyes locked into each other. Her eyes were brown and there was something about them that made me feel safe. I quickly jumped into reality since I didn't know what to do anymore. I slid my old shorts off and put my jeans shorts on, Ona still staring at me. If it would have been anyone else I would be scared but her eyes on me was all I wanted. Still I was too scared to make a move.
- Batlle can you help me put this necklace on, I said desperately needing her hands on me.
She took the jewellery out of my hand, her fingers  lingering for a second. I turned around and flipped my hair to the side. She reached one hand over my shoulder and then grabbed the other end of the necklace. She put it on but still had her hands on my neck. She put her face closer, her warm breath on my neck.
- Turn around so I can see how pretty you look, she whispered in my ear.
Her teasing voice made me take a sharp breath in. Soon I wouldn't know what to do, her teasing was taking me over the edge. I turned around, my face red as a tomato.
- I like what I do to you, she said.
Was I really supposed to not do anything about that. She gave me all the signs and still did not make the last move. I don't know how much longer I can deal with her hot teasing.
- I am just going to go to the bathroom quickly, I said.
I locked the door and took a deep breath. I wanted to touch myself but I wanted her to do it even more. I stayed in there for a bit longer and then walked out, now calmer.

We walked to the brunch place, it was just a couple of minutes away. Ona held my hand as usual. When we walked inside I saw a familiar face, it was Lucy.
- Hi Lucy, what are you doing here? I asked.
- I was just grabbing a coffee on my walk with Narla, I see you two are up to something.
- We are just grabbing brunch, Ona replied.
Lucy spotted our hands and winked at Ona.
- Well I see you in training next time, Lucy said as she was walking out.
- What was that wink about, I asked Ona knowing damn well what it meant.
- Oh nothing, what should we eat. She replied trying to avoid the question.
I brushed it off and we decided to order pancakes.

We sat outside waiting for our food.
- Tonight there is a party with everyone from the team, we should go. Ona said.
- That would be really fun actually, and training doesn't start for another day anyways.
The food came out and it looked amazing.
- Oh my god this I so good, I moaned.
Ona smirked at me.

Ona's POV

Hearing her moan made me just want to take her back to my place. I had teased her all morning and was surprised she hadn't made a move. Although her going into the bathroom after I put her necklace on made me feel so good. I knew the ways I could make her feel.

We ate our food and started to walk back home. I put my hand in hers and gave it a kiss before letting it down.


She just kissed my hand. She really knew how to make me blush. She walked me home and we said goodbye. I was exited about seeing her at the party in a couple of hours. Maybe I could even go home with her afterwards.

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