Part four- the party

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Time rolled around for the party. I decided to wear something that I knew Ona couldn't resist, a low waisted, short, black skirt and a top that revealed my cleavage. Just thinking about Ona made me turned on. I knew that it would only be my teammates at the party since they had ordered a private room. Ona would be all mine.

Ona's POV

I have never felt this feeling before. Y/n makes me feel everything and I don't know what I will do when I see her tonight at the party. I wore a white shirt and unbuttoned it a bit. You could see my tanned body through the shirt that would drive Y/n crazy.
Hopefully Y/n unbuttons the rest. I walked out the door and heeded to the party.


I arrived at the party. When I walked in the door I got greeted by Lucy and Alexia who already had a couple of drinks.
- Heyy Y/n come on we are playing truth or dare, someone shouted.
I walked to where everyone was sitting and spotted her, Ona. Her shirt unbuttoned showing her tanned skin underneath. Her freckles, her eyes, her smile lighting up the room. Salma pointed at a seat next to her and I sat down, right in front of where Ona was sitting, her eyes on me. I had my legs together but my shirt wasn't covering much, just how I liked it to tease Ona.
- Okay I start, truth or dare Mapi, Lucy shouted.
- Truth.
- Have you ever had sex at the training facility?
She looked over at Ingrid and laughed.
- Yes I have.
- I knew it, Lucy and Kiera blasted out.
- Okay my turn, truth or dare Ona. Mapi asked.
- Dare.
- Give a hickey to the person you think is the sexiest in the room.
Ona stood up, her eyes on me. She walked over and straddled my lap as she moved my hair to one side. She started sucking at my neck and I could hear everyone's ooo's in the room.
- Okay that's enough, Mapi laughed.
Ona bit a little at my neck before walking over to her seat again.
- Truth or dare Salma, Ona said.
- Hmm dare.
- Change seat with me.
Everyone started laughing knowing exactly what Ona meant by this. Salma stood up and changed seat. Now Ona was finally close to me, again.

The night continued with games and drinks. Now after a couple of drinks I was ready to dance. I grabbed Ona's hand and led her to the dance floor without thinking twice. I had my back against her front and grinded to the music. She seemed to like it since her hands were all over me. I turned around, now Ona's hands on my waist. Our eyes locked.
- Kiss me, Ona whispered.
I complied. My lips met hers. Her tongue tried to push into my mouth and I let it. She then kissed my neck and whispered in my ear.
- Let's get out of here.
She took my hand and called a taxi. Fortunately there was one close by and it took us straight to Ona's place. We practically ran upstairs into the apartment.
- Do you need anything to drink? Ona asked slowing the situation down.
- No I'm good, I smiled at her.
She walked up to me and put her hands on my waist, slowly dragging them down to my hips. She guided me into her kitchen and lifted me up on the counter. Her hands now on my thighs rubbing up and down. I had my hands in her hair. She eventually started tugging at the hem of my skirt.
- I think this needs to come off, she said.
- Me too Batlle.
She sucked a sharp breath in as she heard me say it. I helped her get my skirt off, now only in my top and lace g string.
- So beautiful mi amor, Ona exclaimed.
She put her hair up in a bun before kissing me. Her mouth moved from mine to my neck. She quickly found my soft spot and I bit my lip to hold my moan in.
- Don't hold it in, let me hear you. Ona said.
I moaned as her mouth continued to kiss my neck. Her hands moving closer to my thighs. She started kissing down my neck and to the top of my boobs. I helped her take my top off. Now I was just in my underwear in Ona's kitchen. She stopped for a second just staring at my body.
- I can't believe this I all mine tonight, she exclaimed before taking my bra off. She threw it on the floor and started kissing one of my nipples. One of her hands now on my other breast. She's so gay.

She continued kissing my body and kissed my mouth again. Her hands were on my thighs again rubbing up and down, each time getting closer to where I wanted them. I started to unbutton Ona's shirt and she helped me get it off. Her skin was so soft and her tanned skin made her abs look even better. Ona's hands were now on the top of my g string. She took the fabric and snapped it back. I gasped and Ona's mouth started moving down my torso to the top of my underwear. She bit on the fabric and let it snap back. The sensation made me moan. Before she took them off she took me to her bedroom. She laid me on her bed and kneeled over me.
- You are so beautiful, Ona said.
- You too, I said as I pulled her in for a kiss.
She deepened the kiss and then went back to what she started in the kitchen. I was now completely naked with Ona between my legs. She kissed my knee and then higher up and then a bit higher up again. I moaned as she got higher up each time. She was sucking on my inner thigh and her hands on my hips holding me in place.
- Ona please, desperate for her touch.
- What do you want me to do, she smirked.
- Fuck me.
- I like it when you're so desperate for my touch.
She moved to my clit. She kissed it and then started sucking. I moaned and grabbed the sheets with my hands. Her tongue was magic. She moved one hand and teased my entrance before slowly putting a finger in.
- You are so wet for me.
She put two fingers in and I grabbed her hair. I was arching my back in pleasure, basically screaming as I moaned. I felt so close and when Ona moaned on my clit I came. Ona got on top of me again and licked her fingers.
- You taste so good. She said.

I feel asleep cuddling with Ona. Her hand stroking my back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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