01 - Starting a new life

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Hailey moved into Germany after living in America for her whole life, she had to move because her dad found a high paying job and he really needed the job plus her dad speaks German, Hailey taught herself how to speak German a year before the big move.

Right now her dad was driving to their new home in Leipzig. Hailey looks out the window looking at this new place she was going to have to live at for a long time, a place where she knew nobody and didn't have friends at.


"And we're here!" My dad said enthusiastically as he parked the car next to a decent looking house, i took my earphones off and placed my iPod in the front pocket of my bag before getting out of the car and shutting the door.

I took a deep breath in and looked at the house again as the movers brought in our stuff.

"Hey Hailey-boo, why don't you go explore the new town? It's going to take a long time unpacking." My mom looked at the movers then at me.

"Yea sure, why not."

"Call me if you get lost." My mom says rubbing my arm in a calming way. I nod my head before walking away.

"Be back by 5pm young lady!" My mom yelled.

"Yea of course, see ya!"


I walk around the neighbourhood, examining each detail, a house, a tree, a plant just everyone I could see. I had to admit, this place was starting to grow on me but it's strange that I haven't seen anyone yet but oh well.

It's 4:21 pm and I still walk around the neighbourhood, I don't know where I'm going I'm just going where the path takes me and now I kind off found myself being lost, I was lost in a new neighbourhood that I didn't know where anything was. I started to panic and my breaths came in faster, I seen a dark eerie path so I decided to follow it, hoping it would lead me back home.

I've been following this path for ages yet there was no sign of my house, I walked faster and pulled out my flip phone, I failed my moms number but then I bumped into someone and I fell, I dropped my phone and it broke! I groan and sit up, rubbing the back of my head I didn't pay attention to who I bumped into until I seen a hand.

"Here, let me help you up." The voice said, first I looked at his hand, he was wearing a lot of rings and bracelets and then I looked at his face, he was wearing makeup and his hair was black, he looked like a girl!

I scoff and get up myself, I look down to see my phone broken on the ground, I gasped and picked it up examining the cracks, I look at him ,furious.

"You're paying for a new phone!" I shout at him and walk past him.


I turned around and he walked closer to me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you there infact I haven't seen you here at all, are you the new family that moved in?"

"Yea, how did you know?"

"Word gets round quickly here," he leans in closer to my face.

"It's best to keep things to yourself." He whispers in my ear, I back up a little and look at him.

"Um ok? Anyway I'm a bit lost can you help me? I have to be home by 5pm" I ask him, as much as I didn't want to I had no other choice.

"Yea just follow me." I follow him as he starts walking.

"I haven't got your name, what is it?"

"My name is Hailey, what's yours?"

He looked at me like I didn't just ask him that.

"I'm bill, bill kaulitz."

We kept walking until I seen my house.

"That's it there!" I say pointing to my house.

"That's your house?" He asked with his eyebrow raised up.

"Yea?" I look at him confused as he looked at the house again.

"Ok, and again I am sorry about your phone, I didn't mean it."

"It's fine, bye then." I say walking back to my house before he got a chance to say bye himself.


I'm not suprised when I enter my house and I seen boxes everywhere, I look around the inside of the house and a few things were taken out of boxes but not a lot.

My mom hurriedly walked over to me, she looked really worried.

"It's 5:02 pm! Where were you?"

"I got lost but I'm ok, I met some guy and he helped me back home." My mom suddenly looked at me.

"A guy? Who?"

"His name is bill."

"Is he your new friend?" There was a hopeful look in my mom's eyes, I scoff.

"Pfft! No way! He broke my phone!" I shown my mom my broken phone and she looked shocked.

"Are you serious?! I'm not buying you a new phone!" My mom said with a furious look in her eyes.

"Mom it's fine, I told that bill guy he is going to pay for a new phone."

"You can't just trust a guy you met on the street honey."

"If I see him again I will remind him."

"And what if you don't?"

"I will mom, trust me."


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