let's talk (shit) about Nathan the nobody.

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Oh hey, welcome to this format, that no one reads, in this stuff-book, that no one reads, about two dead fandoms, on this app where no one reads anything anymore. Fun stuff, bro. "let's talk about" (creative name for this format I know, thanks) is exactly what it sounds like. I talk about random Creepypastas and/or Creepypasta characters, rate them, make fun of them, whatever, here you read my opinion that no one has to share with me. I'm not forcing anything on anyone here.


Anyways, here's my opinion:

Nathan the nobody is rightfully a nobody. I swear, he lives up to his name. I listened to this Creepypasta on YouTube once, thought it was extremely shit, and listened to it again a year later, just to be sure. Maybe I was just in a bad mood at the time and that weakened my judgment, or something like that. But I still have the same opinion as I had back then:


This is a another Crappypasta about a poor, misunderstood, edgy eeny weeny teeny weeny-boy who randomly starts murdering, because what would a creepypasta be without murder and manslaughter? Nathan is a surplus twin; his twin sister is much better-behaved and more popular than him. He was born with two different eye colors because two normal eyes would be pretty boring. He also has an aggression problem combined with blackouts. He freaks out, hurts people who want to harm his beloved sister, and then doesn't remember how it happened. What bothered me the most was this constant: "UWU SISTER, YOU ARE MORE POPULAR THAN ME, BUT I STILL BEHAVE ME LIKE AN OVERPROTECTIVE BOYFRIEND♥️♥️♥️" because it means that the readers, listeners, whatever, immediately understand that he, although he hardly has any friends and is a very lonely bean, loves his perfect sister more than anything, protects her from everything and everyone, and that she is extremely close to him, and it would be bad if anything happened to her, because then he would going crazy, right? Right.

In any case, they were kidnapped one day, the kidnappers are talking loudly in front of the door of Nathan's cell that they could sell him and his sister, than they come in, Nathan defends himself, they beat him and are angry and bad and evil, and then they want to leave him that way until he dies, even though they had just said a few seconds ago, that he could make a lot of money from certain customers. Nathan is then locked up there for over a week, worried about his sister, his creeping madness is accentuated by him banging on the door for hours because it separates him from his sister, the whole thing is staged in a very sexy "his breathing became deeper and raspy, like a caged, insane predator" way, at some point he is released even though he should have been dead long ago, I don't know, of course the kidnappers then talk loudly about how many blood Nathan's sister had in her face, and that her screams were pathetic, and that they killed her just for fun. *Evil laughter*. He then starts swinging his pipe and kill all of the blackmarket-mafia-kidnappers. Then he goes to his sister's body, convinced that she is still alive, and hears her voice saying that he should gotta kill 'em all.

The end.

I can't even say why I thought this CP was so shitty. But Nathan is really exceptional with his long hair, his aggression that seems to give him superhuman strength, and his different eyes. And with the fact that he murders and hears the voice of his dead sister, he's just insane enough to pass as a "Creepypasta". I can't say anything more about it. There are worse things, sure, but Nathan the nobody is a complete disappointment.

But wait, the chapter doesn't end here. I had discovered that when I click on the little microphone on my keyboard, things are automatically written down as I say them. At first I thought to myself: "Woah cool, this will save me a lot of time and effort! Then all I have to do is add punctuation!" :D

Well...how should I put it...read for yourself (I have to add that I speak german and I have just roughly translated poorly recorded german gibberish into english. I didn't say the following text word for word, but it comes quite close to the original vibe):

okay nephews okay nephews don't be annoying you fun nobody so yes I just listened to the creepypasta again for the second time I thought it was shit when I listened to it the first time and nathanville nobody is just a really shitty creepypasta now really so yes how should I say so the the the is rightly a nobody really the creepypasta was really just written so that everyone would feel sorry for this LG Boy and that's it Honestly, what do I see? Honestly, what was the creator of knife in the nobody thinking? So you know, he's just crazy enough with his aggression problems and the fact that he hears his dead sister's voice creepypasta Boy and with his different colored eyes and his aggression problems and everything he is of course special enough and besides he is pretty so we have the perfect creepypasta Boy it was a joke by the way damn shit words can't describe how much I hate him really so now really, he's just nothing, he's a nobody, that's the worst creepypasta I've ever read and that's strange because I've read far worse ones, nothing comes close to Nina, but somehow the whole creepypasta made me very angry, maybe that was the case Also because the two siblings greeted each other in a really cheesy way with a brother's heart and sister's heart and he always talks to his sorry sister, no siblings like that. I should hate my siblings and beat each other's heads in, especially when the twins are like I want his Dirty visage with the corpse of his dead sister just take the decomposed corpse and press it in his face then everyone is happy everyone gets something from it except the sister who is dead but that doesn't bother me I have the s****** * Egge really took this stupid little cow out of fear, especially as this creepypasta always made her really feel sorry for Soyo, Ferdi's father, who really sucks at the boys because the boy is like that and then when he got older he also had such unusual hobbies as he is As a teenager I like to be alone EU what a weirdoz and a real freak Wow, he's so special that he goes to the library with his best friend and he likes to listen to music with headphones instead of meeting people outside or going to parties in a completely strange way absolutely relatable but for little lonely creepypasta girls they can identify with it very well because they have no friends and are lonely and yes.

Poetic. My eyes hurt.


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