Alessia Russo stood in front of the imposing headquarters of Arsenal Football Club, with the freshly signed contract trembling in her hand. Excitement flooded her as she gazed at the club's name printed in golden letters. She had worked hard to reach this moment, and now, finally;  she was here.

Signing for Arsenal not only represented a new chapter in her football career but also the opportunity to be closer to her family. Since leaving home, Alessia had missed her family more than she could express. 

Now, with this significant step, she would be just a few kilometers away from everyone, especially her sister, Gianna, who had made her home in London several years ago.

The prospect of reuniting with Gianna and her niece Chiara filled her heart with joy. With the contract signed and logistical details organized, Alessia prepared to dive into her new life in London. She would move into a small apartment near the Arsenal stadium, already set up and ready to move in.

The first few days were a whirlwind of emotions and activities. Alessia devoted herself to getting to know her new teammates and familiarizing herself with the club's dynamics. Though grateful for the opportunity to play for a world-class team, she also felt a tingling of nervousness about the unknown.

One afternoon, after an intense training session, Alessia received a call from her sister. Gianna informed her that she was running late at work and wouldn't be able to pick up Chiara, so she asked Alessia to do it. 

Though exhausted, Alessia couldn't resist the opportunity to spend time with her niece. After quickly changing, Alessia headed to the nursery school. As she waited at the door, she watched the children running and laughing, filling the place with their boundless energy.

Soon, a soft voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "Hello, excuse me, are you Chiara's aunt?" the woman asked, smiling kindly. Alessia nodded, impressed by the woman's reassuring presence. "Nice to meet you, I'm Chiara's teacher. My name is Laia," the woman said, extending her hand to Alessia.

Alessia shook hands with the young woman, who couldn't be much older than herself, feeling an electric current run through her body as their skin touched. Their eyes briefly met, and in that moment, Alessia felt as if time stood still.

Over the next few minutes, Alessia and Laia chatted animatedly about Chiara and the activities they had done that day. Alessia was captivated by the girl's kindness and felt an instant connection with her.

When Chiara finally emerged from the classroom, Alessia hugged her tightly, grateful for this special moment with her niece. She picked up the two-year-old girl and said goodbye to the teacher.

Arriving at her sister's house, Alessia entered with Chiara in her arms, welcomed by the warm family atmosphere. The apartment was filled with the delicious aroma of food that Gianna was preparing in the kitchen. The sound of soft music filled the space, creating a cozy and relaxing atmosphere.

"Hello, Alessia! How was everything?" greeted Gianna, stepping out of the kitchen and drying her hands. Alessia smiled, letting Chiara run to her mother. "Everything's fine, Gianna. Chiara is very good," she replied, returning her sister's hug.Gianna observed Alessia with a knowing look. "Really alright? You seem a bit distracted," she commented, concerned.

Alessia hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should tell Gianna about her encounter with the teacher. She finally decided to keep it to herself for now. After all, she barely knew Laia, and she didn't want to worry her sister with something that might not mean anything."Yes, everything's fine. I'm just a little tired after training," Alessia replied, trying to dispel Gianna's concerns.

Gianna smiled understandingly. "Well, you can shower and rest for a bit. I'll take care of preparing dinner while you play with Chiara for a while," she suggested before returning to the kitchen.

Alessia nodded and took Chiara to her room to bathe her and put on her pajamas. While the little one played with her toys, Alessia took the opportunity to shower and refresh herself after the training day.

The hot water soothed her tired muscles, allowing her to relax for a moment.

Once ready, Alessia stepped out of the shower, wrapped herself in a towel, and put on pajamas before heading to the kitchen, where Gianna was busy preparing dinner. The delicious aroma of food made her even hungrier, and her stomach began to growl in anticipation.

As she helped Gianna set the table, Alessia noticed her mind wandering back to Laia. The image of her kind smile and bright eyes kept appearing in her mind. Alessia wondered if she would ever see her again and if the connection she had felt was just a passing illusion.

When Gianna served dinner and they sat down together at the table, Alessia decided to tell her sister about it. After all, Gianna had always been her confidante and might offer some advice on how to approach the situation.

"How was Chiara at nursery school today?" Gianna asked, cutting her food.Alessia hesitated for a moment, feeling a lump in her throat. "Well, actually, I met Chiara's teacher today. Her name is Laia," she admitted, watching her sister's reaction.Gianna raised an eyebrow curiously. "Oh? She's very nice," she commented.

Alessia smiled, remembering Laia's voice and kindness. "She's incredible. She's very sweet and attentive with the children," she replied, trying to hide the excitement in her voice.Gianna looked at her with a understanding smile. "Wow, sounds like you liked her," she commented. "Would you like to see her again?"

Alessia nodded, feeling her heart beating fast in her chest. "Yes, I would love to," she admitted, hoping Gianna wouldn't notice how nervous she was.Gianna gave her a meaningful look before returning to her meal. "Well, then you should. You never know what might happen. I'll let you pick up Chiara as many times as you want," she suggested before changing the subject.

As they dined together, Alessia couldn't help but think about Laia and the possibility of seeing her again. Although she knew they barely knew each other, she couldn't help but feel drawn to her. With her mind filled with thoughts of Laia, Alessia wondered what the future held and if she would ever have the chance to get to know her.

I don't know where this is going, but I would like to know what you think, comment your ideas :)

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