Alessia and Laia had been enjoying their time together over the past week and the next. After that night when they kissed for the first time, their relationship had grown, and each day they spent together only strengthened their bond.

They devoted themselves to exploring the city together, sharing laughter and deep conversations as they discovered places and experiences.

One Tuesday afternoon, Laia received a proposal to take her class of two-year-olds to watch a training session of the Arsenal women's team.

The idea of combining her passion for teaching with her love for football thrilled her immensely, and she didn't hesitate to accept the invitation.

When the day of the training arrived, Chiara, Laia, and her class headed to the stadium, feeling excited about what the afternoon would bring.

As they approached the training field, Alessia was surprised to see her niece Chiara and her class there, with a radiant smile on her face.

"Chiara!" exclaimed Alessia, excited to see her niece. She approached her and gave her a hug. Chiara laughed, thrilled to see her Aunt Alessia at the training.

"Auntie Alessia! Look, we're watching the girls play football!" she exclaimed, pointing excitedly towards the pitch. Alessia smiled, feeling thrilled to share this special moment with her niece.

"Yes, I see. Are you having a good time?" she asked, gently stroking Chiara's hair. The little girl nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, it's great! I want to be like you when I grow up!" she declared, determination in her voice.

Alessia was moved by Chiara's words. "You will be, Chiara. I'm sure of it!" she assured, with a tender smile on her face. Laia approached them with a smile. "Hello, Alessia. I see you've already met this little whirlwind," she said, looking at them affectionately. Alessia nodded. "Yes, are you enjoying the training?" she asked.

Laia nodded. "I wasn't going to miss the chance to see you in your training kit," she replied, hugging Alessia. With a smile on her face, Alessia asked her niece, "Chiara, would you like me to introduce you to the players after the training?" Alessia asked, looking at her niece with a bright smile on her face. Chiara nodded excitedly, her eyes shining with anticipation. "Yes, please! That would be amazing!" she exclaimed, jumping with excitement.

Alessia smiled, thrilled to make her niece's wish come true. "Then it's settled. Now, enjoy the training, okay?" she said, gently stroking Chiara's cheek. Chiara nodded enthusiastically and turned her attention back to the training field, excited to watch the rest of the session. Meanwhile, Alessia returned to training, and Laia stayed watching with the children.

Alessia felt excited to see her niece enjoying the training, feeling a deep sense of pride and gratitude for having her in her life. She looked at Laia beside her and gave her a warm smile, feeling love and happiness fill her heart. The training session went smoothly, with the Arsenal players showcasing their skill and determination on the field. After the training, Alessia approached Laia with an excited smile on her face.

Once the training ended, the footballer went to fetch the class to introduce them to the players. She discreetly took Laia's hand and guided her towards the group of players, proudly introducing her to each of them.

"Girls, this is my niece Chiara. She's come with her class to watch us train, and this is their teacher, Laia."Laia was delighted to meet the players and talk with them. Meanwhile, Chiara and her class of children were also chatting with the players. Alessia smiled tenderly, seeing her niece so excited, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for this special moment.

After introducing Laia and her class to the players and spending some time chatting with them, Alessia approached the young teacher and gave her a loving hug. Without thinking twice, she gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek, close to the corner of her lips.

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