Shattered Dimensions (1/?)

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(Authors note): Welp you guys are getting fed with this one, Now since its nearing the end of school for me, I wont be posting AS frequently BUT I will try to make the clear and longer. But without further ado, Enjoy the show!


"Welp I guess I see you guys another time" I say as I use the new skill again, ERROR, User must wait 1 week before using the following skill "???" "Well shit, guess I'm stuck with you guys for a week" I say. "That's alright, since you'll be stuck with us wanna join my crew for the week?" he asks, "Sure it's better than being stuck alone" I say as he grins.


"Well luffy, Where are we headed?" I ask, "Well were going wherever the sea takes us!" he shouts back. "Up ahead! Looks like a desert of some sorts!" Nami shouts pointing at the island. "This could be another chance to better my map!... AND MONEY" She say's, Here eyes making money symbols. "Alright everyone get ready were on new land, Anything is out there" Nami shouts. We step foot on the island, Sand squishing beneath my feat, The blazing sun, Yep this is a desert all right.

"Don't worry guys I brought a canteen of water incase it gets to hot" Chopper say's, Luffy looking at the canteen like a mad man. "From what I can see, it's gonna take awhile before this heat get's any better so we should probably clothe up." She say's taking some cloth covering her head from the heat, everyone following suit. 30 minutes later of walking, I start getting tired from the blazing heat, So I summon my shadow dog, and I get on him relaxing.

"What why  does he get to relax while we suffer?" Usopp shouts complaining, "Because this is my dog" And I stick my tounge out at him. "Ok that's long enough I need waaateeeeer" Luffy shout's directly into chopper face. "Oh fine luffy but don't drink it all at o-", Before chopper could even finish his sentence, Luffy had drank all of it, at once. Everyone snapped their heads towards luffy, "DID YOU SERIOUSLY JUST DRINK ALL OF OUR WATER YOU STUD?" Everyone yells at the same time, Getting read to jump- (I MEAN) hurt luffy.

After awhile of chasing luffy around the sand we all get back to the walk, "Is there any way to speed this up? I'm bored" luffy groans. "I Mean I can fly but I can't individually carry you all at once" I say back. "I have an idea!" luffy shouts with that same grin he has on all the time. "Oh no" everyone say's in unison, After luffy uses his arms to stretch and wrap around everyone he say's "Ok now pick me up and fly!!!" I do what he say's, and after a few screams from the reindeer and the sniper we set off.

We arrive at a village shortly after 10 - 15 minutes of flying, Everyone enjoyed the nice breeze so that's cool. "God this place looks awful, And where is all the water?" Usopp say's, Before any more complaints could be heard,  A frail looking man  walks up to us. "Excuse me but are you people travelers?" He asks, "Yeah we are pirates, But the good ones also what the heck happened to this village?" Luffy asks with concern. "well it hasn't rained in years, And we have been digging this whole trying to find any water" (I don't know if this is actually in one piece) "Well don't worry sir, Because I have my handy weather staff" Nami say's as she summon storm bubbles making it rain, lots and lots of water, Completely filling up the hole.

And I'm gonna leave off right there ill try to do more this weekend, I decided why not to give nami the weather staff because it works out for the story, hope you guys enjoyed. :D

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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