Feelings are strange

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(I've been drooling over hiccup and jacks photo. Its up on the media but beware you might also drool so get a bucket first)

Elsa's POV

Do you know that funny feeling you get when your crush talked to you or even looks at you?

Why do I have that feeling? I feel like butterflies are in my stomach.

I don't know of this is a good or bad thing.

He stood up for me.

Yes I saw the part when he screamed at pitch.

Maybe he does mean it when he says he's sorry.

Why did I a chill up my spine when he hugged me?

"Els your blushing" Izz snapoed me out of my thoughts.

"I am?"I asked. Why am I blushing?

Is it because of Jack?

"And your smiling like an idiot lad" Merida said taking a bite out of her apple.

"What where you thinking about" asked hiccup.

"Its most likely to be WHO" Punzie nudge me.

"Don't tell me your crushing on someone Elsi" Ray mocked me.

"MY BFF HAS A CRUSH?? WHO? WHO WHO?" Izzy fangirld.

Wait do I have a crush on Jack? I mean it was just a hug.

I can't possibly like him just cause of a hug.

People fall love in mysterious way

God dang I hate you 'Thinking out loud" song

"I don't have a crush on anybody..... Okay? I was just remembering something from 5th grade......" I trailed off thinking of the "kiss" in 5th grade.

"Elsa your blushing again" Izzy snaoed me out of my thoughts again.

"Oh I'm sorry I don't know what's gotten into me" I shook my head trying to get my head cleared

Why is jack in my head. Seriously I can't stop thinking about him.

The way he held me close to him when pitch was standing up.

Elsa just forget about that right now

How if he won't get out of my head

Talk to Izzy about Ray

Okay. Nope I can't . I need to tell the girls about this.

"Punzie , Mer, Izzy... I need to talk to you guys alone." I said pulling them all they way to the school garden.

"What's wrong Els" Mer asked.

I first started off with the incident. And then explained everything jack has said to me. Now I just need to tell them how I feel.

"And I think I might start to like him..... I'm not sure yet...... I'm just so confused" I said to them.

"Elsa you just need to remember the past is in the past. Don't look back to those memories" Punzie said and help both on my shoulders.

"I think that's the only way you will find out what your feeling lass" Merida said behind her.

"Don't worry Els just try to distract your self" Izzy said next to Merida.

If only it was that easy.......

The freaking chicken! Why?! I'm so mean to you guys band myself by making short chapters.

But any way..........

Just remember, not everything is what it seems ;)-Damaris

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