The world is spinning....

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(Warning: If you love or really like this story and your a hardcore fan this chapter may cause you to cry, You have been warned)

Elsa's POV

Once we arrived to Izzy's house we saw the hole gang.

"Hey guys we bring news about Punzie lost phone" I said and bit my bottom lip. I know how much Punzie loves her phone. They all waited for me to continue. But Jack beat me to it.

"Tooth has your phone" he said making every one gasp.

"How do you know?" Punzie said worried.

"Well it started with a text from 'you' it said you needed help and to meet you at the park. When we arrived tooth had this flash mob made for me to get back with her. I rejected her and we left running. And then Elsa got a massage from Mer saying you lost you phone" he explained.

The room filled with ooh's. We both nodded and jack spoke again. "I'll buy you a new phone Punzie. I don't want to go near tooth again" he shivered.

"No you don't have to I still have an old phone I'll just use that one" punz smiled.

After that we bid goodbyes and me and Jack went back to our homes.

Monday morning

It was a typical morning. I did my daily routine and went down stairs to meet my wonderful parents and sister.

We enjoyed a wonderful breakfast as a family before it was time for me and Anna to go to school. I kissed my parents cheek and went out the door.

I had to walk since I left my bike at Jack's. And I didn't ask Ray for a ride. Cheez I forgot my phone at home. But I'm almost at school. Ugh I'm going to be phone less for today.

I entered my first class when my head ace returned. Since last wensday I've been having really bad head aces and my vision becomes blurry.

Time skip: Lunch

I can't stand the headache any more. My head feels like its being hit by a hammer.

"Hey Izzy can you do me a favor" I asked her while I rubbed my temples.

"Yeah, what's wrong" she took a hold of my shoulders.

"Just a headache. Um can you tell the gang I'm going home and um can you tell Jack to tell the teachers to."I asked her.

"Yeah sure, bye Elsa" she hugged me and left.

I walked out of school and started to walk home. I don't know how long I walked for or how far my house is when a wave of pain flowed through my head.

I felt dizzy. My world is spinning. And right before I fell I heard a voice call out for me. Then everything turned dark.

Jacks POV

Once Izzy told me about Elsa I felt really worried. She had a head ace on Wednesday. And all today. I had a feeling something was really wrong. I decided to fallow her.

We were half way there when I saw her stop. She was losing her balance.

"Elsa!". I yelled and ran to her. I catch her right in time.

"Elsa! Elsa! Wake up! Please elsa!" I was shaking her. She wouldn't wake up. Tears filled my eyes. I took out my phone and dialed 9-1-1.

Soon the ambulance was here. They took Elsa and I rode with them to the hospital.

I had to stay in the waiting room and Elsa was taken to be examined. I have to inform her family. I called her parents and they said they would be here any moment. Now all we can do is wait.

(Any one cried. Cuz I did. :'(. I'll update soon. If you guys want. Or I could keep you guys waiting. Its up to you guys)

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