Chapter 5- Test day😭

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It was the end of lunch time and it was time to do the Science test, I have been revising for since FOREVER.
I was walking to class where I saw Levi and Andrew talking but the way they were interacting with each other wasn't friendly at all but aggressive.
WAIT are they arguing?!
I started to walk closer towards when i realized that Andrew was about to throw hands and lash out at Levi.
Without thinking, I stepped in the middle of them and before I could react a fist was heading my direction at full speed. Thinking I was about to be knocked out cold, I closed my eyes shut.

I then quickly opened my eyes to groaning(that did not come from Seori but someone else) where I saw Levi in front of me.

Seori:"Levi? "

I called out to him but he did not reply. Concerned, I turned him around only to see him with a bloody nose and a small scratch on his face.

"What the- Ugh...with all my heart i will surely slap this annoying shii(aka Andrew) ! ", I thought.

Seori:" What the heck is wrong with you Andrew! You could've knocked him out! ", I said annoyed.

Andrew:" I-"

Seori:" Shut it. Im ganna take Levi to the office and Im ganna report this incident so you better prepare yourself to go to the principal office today", I stated, leaving to carry Levi to the nurse.

As we were half way to the nurse's office, Levi mumbled something.

Levi:" I- stop- leave- I can-", he muttered out of breath.

Seori:" hm? "

Levi:" Please, I can walk on my own... just... go and do your Science test.... dont be late because of me.... "

Seori:" Shush....Andrew almost made you black out with that punch. Plus, I wont be late to the test... trust me", I said as I made myself to the nurse office's door.

I told the situation to the nurse and left Levi to get treated. Class started 1 minute ago and I needed to get there before the test started. I ran as fast as I can and stopped and my class door; opening it slowly.

Seori:"Sorry, Im late", I said out of breath.

Teacher:" Your just on time, heres the test sheet. Put everything else away and prepare for the test. ", she says handing me the science test.

I nod slowly and headed to my seat where I prepared for the test hoping that I'd remember everything Levi taught me so far and not blank out like i normally do.

As soon as I finished packing my bags, I headed downstairs  and went to the nurse's office.
I opened the door and immediately saw Levi sitting on the bed with a tissue in his nose and a band aid on his face.

Seori:"Soooo, are you feeling better", I said as I sat down beside him.

Levi:"Mhm.... so how was your test", he said turning to look at me; observing my body language and facial features.

I stayed silent.
Even though, Levi just got punched in the face doesn't stop me from teasing him a bit hehe.

Levi:"Ah... I see.... maybe we can try better next ti-"

I didn't let him finish his sentence and brought him in for a big hug.

Seori:" Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!! "

Levi:"H-huh? I- wait", he said hugging me back hesitantly.

Seori:" THE TEST WAS SUPER EASYY AND ITS ALL THANKS TO YOUU~", I said hugging him tighter which caused him to wince in pain.
Immediately, I pulled back, making sure I didn't hurt him and apologized sincerely.

Levi"Wait so... you think you'll pass the test? ", he said as he fixed his posture.

Seori:" Yupp 100% sure! ",I breathed out as I was grinning from ear to ear.

Levi looked at me with the most adorable yet kind smile I've ever seen and pulled me in for another hug.

Levi:" I'm glad. "

I accepted his hug and hugged him back. As I was enjoying the hug, it seemed like both of us lost track of time because we were hugging for a bit TOO long, and I quickly pulled away, causing Levi to look at me in confusion.

Seori:" Uh, I forgot- my um... mom told me to pick up some groceries for dinner tonight so uhhhh.. ill get going now heh", I said flustered.

I waved goodbye and hurriedly headed to the door but was stopped by a hand tugging on my shirt.
I turned around and saw Levi looking me in the eyes with a determined look on his face and his usual cunning yet stupidly coy smirk.

Levi:" So.. do you mind if I join you?..... princess"

Seori:"Oh no problem, but its a long walk-
Wait. What did you just call me.. ", I asked as my face rapidly started to feel like an oven set at 500°F.

Levi:" What? Something wrong with calling you princess?", he asked as his smirk got wider.

Trying not to giggle and make it obvious that I like his little nickname, I hit him on the shoulder gently and walked out the door.

Seori:" Just hurry up and walk already. "

Levi:" Alright, Alright.... wait up! "


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