Chaptet 9- ✢Reunion✢

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It was now a week since me and Levi confessed our feelings to each other and started dating. These past few days have been so fun and (should I sayyy) Romantic~
Everyday, Levi accompanies me to my class and kisses me goodbye. He also takes me on dates every so often🤭

It is now Saturday at lunch time and Levi decided to take me out on yet another date...

He said to meet him at ******* in the park so right now I'm getting ready to meet him.
After half an hour, I'm finally ready to head to the park.
I wore a floral, pastel yellow/pink dress with a cute pink bow bag.

Finally, after a longgg while, I reached my destination only to find Levi with his usual corny smirk, a large bunny themed bouquet of tulips and a picnic blanket filled with various amounts fruits, food and sweets on top.
"I can't believe he remembered I love bunnies!", I thought.
It was a beautiful sight to see. It felt like every step I took, was another step to heaven,
To love,
To him.

I hurridly ran to him and gave him the biggest hug known to man.

Levi:"Well hello to you too mi Amor", he said in a flirty tone as he kissed my cheek.

After the passionate hug, he gestured for me to sit down and enjoy the food he prepared.
Seori:" Levi.... This is so sweet of you".
Levi:" Anything por mi Amor", he said with the biggest smirk on his face.

After a whole lot of laughter and playful teasing, I had to use the washroom.

Seori:" uhh I have to use the washroom, so I'll be right back okay?".
Levi:"You want me to come with you? I mean it's pretty dangerous and-", he asked worried.
Seori:" Don't worry.... I'll be back in a bit, mi conejito.
(Translation: my bunny)

Shocked by the nickname, he did not resist my reassurance and smiled warmly.
After a while, I finished using the washroom and headed back to the park.
That's when I heard my name being called from behind me.
I turned around and saw a male figure heading this way.

Confused, I stopped and waited for the figure to catch up to me.
As he came closer to me, it became clearer to me that I knew this person.
Wait... Is that Isaac??
Isaac?:"Finally.... I've been trying to catch up to you for the past minute now.. ", he said out of breath.

Seori:" And you are? ".
Isaac?:" Wait.. You don't remember me? I mean... I have changed a lot but... "
Seori:"So?? Who are you. "
Isaac? :*sigh* "I'm Isaac, does that ring a bell?"

As soon as I heard that name,
my eyes lit up.
Seori:" Oh my.... It's been years Isaac... how have you been?", I said pulling him into an embrace.
Isaac:" Ive been good... But how have you been? I mean...I did leave you to go to a next school in 2nd grade...and we haven't talked since. "
Seori:" yeahhh but you're here now and I'm very grateful for that. ", I said as I broke the embrace.
Isaac:" So what're you up to?"
Seori:"Oh well I'm on a picnic date with my boyfriend actually. Could you believe that he set up a whole picnic date for me??🤭 Hes so perfect".


She has a boyfriend?
How come her parents didn't tell me about him when I asked them about her?
Oh well...
That's gonna make things a bit difficult, but I'll have to make do.

Isaac:" Oh? Well... Where is he now? ", I said looking around frantically looking for her " boyfriend ".
Seori:" Ah- well I came out here to use the washroom haha. I was just heading back when I bumped into you. "


Isaac:" Well", I said wrapping my hands around her playfully, "Let's go back together. I would love to meet this boyfriend of yours you talk so fondly about. "

Seori:" Uh- yeah sure", she says as she moves away from me.

Why is she so distant?
I guess this will be harder than it looks huh.


I guess he's just as clingy as he used to be.
I hope he knows his boundaries cause I don't want problems...

After a bit of catching up with each other and walking, we finally headed back to Levi.

As soon as I saw Levi sitting down on the picnic blanket like a lost puppy, I quickly ran up to him and hugged him eagerly.
Seori:"Sorry for the wait mi conejito".
Levi:" It's alright princesa, but I still missed you tho", he said as he moved dangerously close to my face.

Isaac:"Ahem.", he said annoyed.

Seori:" Oh sorry Isaac, I almost forgot you were there.
Oh! And Levi, meet Isaac, he's an old friend I just met a few minutes ago.
And Isaac, meet Levi, my lovely boyfriend", I said as I wrapped my arms around Levi.


I need to find a way to break them up; and fast.
Cause if I keep on seeing how happy she is with him, I might not be able to contain my anger.
I don't want the same thing that happened in the past to happen again.

I held out my hand to shake Levi's hand and he reluctantly accepted my offer.


I might be wrong but...
He seems a bit... off
I don't wanna jump to conclusions but, I'll keep my guard up.

Levi:" So..Isaac, you live around here?"
Isaac:" Yeah bro, I was just taking a stroll from my apartment nearby. "

I know this place from head to toe.
There's no apartments nearby.
I wonder what else this fool will lie about.

Levi:" Hm. It's good to get a breatheof air sometimes.
Isaac:" yeah.. "


All of a sudden there was a change of atmosphere and it felt almost suffocating.
It reminded me of the Andrew incident with Levi.
I really do hope I don't see Andrew again.

Seori:" Uhm well, you should get going Isaac".

Isaac:" Oh. Yeah. Well see you Seori... And Levi".
Seori+Levi:" Bye"

Levi and I awkwardly sat there in silence waiting for Isaac to leave completely.

Levi:" Seori, I don't think-"
Seori:" I know. ", I said frustrated, " he wasnt the best company to have back then.. "
Levi:" Huh? Seori, do you have something to tell me? "
Seori:" Yeah... Well he wasn't all that bad but.. It had an incident that happened in 2nd grade. ", I said worried.

Levi patiently waited as I gathered all my thoughts together.
Until, finally, I took a deep breath and began to speak.

Seori:" Back then...Isaac and I were inseparable; we did literally everything together and our parents were like really good friends until...
Isaac started acting really... well weird and VERY clingy but I just thought it was normal and it didn't do any harm but... ", I said as I sighed deeply.

Levi:" It's okay..take your time", he said with the warmest smile ever which put me at ease.
Seori:"Thanks Levi...Well... As I said before, an incident happened in 2nd grade. Apparently Isaac had a hard time seeing me with any guy other than him and one day when I was playing with one of my other guy friends...
Isaac suddenly attacked the poor guy and well, he was suspended and transferred schools because of it and we haven't spoken since. Well... Until now.
I could see the anger in Isaac's eyes Levi.... I was so scared back then... "

Levi:"Oh. I knew that guy was trouble"

As I thought about the past I began to tear up.

Levi:" It's alright mi Amor, ven aquí.. ", he said as he pulled me into his arms.

As soon as he brought me into his warm embrace, I felt extremely safe
I felt like no one could hurt me while I was in his arms
I was so grateful for Levi...



Hi yalll
It's been a while
But dw😉
I'll try to post more often from now on
But how do yall feel about the new character I introduced in this chapter?
And who would you pair Seori up with? Levi, Andrew or Isaac??

Bye for nowwww~😋

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