2-a wicked trail

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-next day-

Jimmy and scott woke up and told everyone everything,right now scott,jimmy, fwip and joey are all talking while pearl is watching them
Jimmy:"a-and then she suddenly attack us!..i font know what got into het!"
Jimmy shakes while talking to the others, Scott Holds him

Pearl watches intently from a distance.  She is enjoying seeing them try to figure out what happened.  The demonic voice speaks to her again, its tone getting increasingly impatient.
Demonic Voice (in her head): "You did well to sow doubt between them.  But now it's time to take it a step further.  You need to get Gem to cast the spell.  How are you going to do that?"

Pearl(in her mind):"Just watch"
Just then she dives down,knowing jimmy over and out of Scotts hand,she grabs jimmy and holds a knife on his neck,nearly cutting him
Pearl:"tell me where gems hidden spell for revivel is,or he gets it."
Her tone serius,eyes glinting red,her once yellow sunflowers now a dark red.
scott,fwip and joey stare at her

Jimmy starts to panic as the knife presses closer to his throat.  Scott, FWIP, and Joey look at Pearl, shocked.  They can't figure out why Pearl would suddenly attack Jimmy.  The demonic voice speaks to her again, its tone excited now.
Demonic Voice (in her hea): "Yes... yes!  This is the pressure you need to put on!  Don't stop!  Keep it up until he tells you the spell.  They'll give in eventually!"

scott:"let jimmy go!"

Pearl presses the edge of the blade against his throat slightly harder, indicating that she is not bluffing.
Pearl:"i'll ask again,tell.me.the.revival.spell."

Jimmy is terrified and his lips are trembling.  He looks like he's about to cry.  He seems too scared to speak, so Scott jumps in.
Scott: "Leave him alone!  Why are you threatening his life?"
Pearl presses the knife harder on Jimmy's throat.  The demonic voice speaks again.
Demonic Voice (in her head): "Don't listen to him.  Keep the pressure on.  You are the strongest one.  They'll bend to you.  Don't let them get the best of you."

Pearl:"anwer my quetion."
She presees the knife so much againts jimmy neck,it slowly cuts into jimmy neck.pearls eyes narrow

At this point there is no doubt that Pearl is capable of injuring Jimmy if he refuses to answer.  Scott tries to intervene, but he is powerless to do anything.
Scott: "Pearl, stop it!  You can't do this... Don't harm him!"

The demonic voice speaks again.
Demonic Voice (in her head): "Just ignore him.  You have to show them you mean business.  If you don't, they won't take you seriously.  Do what you gotta do."

she slowly cuts along his neck,but just to cause pain at thw moment
Pearl:"its his life or the spell.your choice."
She Talks in a dark tone
Pearl(in her mind):"they will talk,if they want or not."

Scott is powerless to stop Pearl.  He can only watch helplessly as she slowly cuts Jimmy's neck.  Jimmy starts to beg for his life,
Jimmy: "Alright... alright!  I'll tell you the spell.  Just please don't hurt me anymore."
The demonic voice speaks again.
Demonic Voice (in her head): "Good... good... just keep it up.  Don't let go of the pressure.  Make them fear you.  Make them respect you.  You are powerful"

pearl stops moving the knife but keeps it up
Pearl:"tell me then."
*She speaks low,her eyes glinting red*
Pearl(im her mind):"i am more powerfull...they schould die."

Jimmy is visibly trembling.  His eyes are filled with fear. He looks like he is ready to collapse.  He speaks with a whimper:
Jimmy: "The revival spell... it's... uh... it's..."
Pearl(in her mind): "That's it... he's on the edge.  You're nearly there.  He'll break very soon.  Keep driving him to break.  He needs to know that you're in charge."
Jimmy: "I... I remember... gem..has it..t....she'll....tell..you....."

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