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❝ The car is alive ❞

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The car is alive

PARKING BESIDES THE YELLOW Camaro, Renna's black and green Motorbike revs to a stop

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PARKING BESIDES THE YELLOW Camaro, Renna's black and green Motorbike revs to a stop. Taking her helmet off, she grabs her key out of the ignition lock, placing it in her leather jacket left breast pocket, zipping it up.

Y'know, you don't really have to come here Renna, ❞ Sam starts, stepping out of his new car, his keys in hand. ❝ I-I can give them to you tomorrow?

Stop stuttering. No wonder Trent targets you. ❞ Renna bluntly says, walking past Sam towards his house, keeping to the path. ❝ I need those glasses now. It can stay for the night as I don't have the money right now, but I am going to look at them now.

Sam sighs, walking – More like jogging – past Renna, opening the door. ❝ Glasses are in the kitchen in my bag, don't snoop... ❞ Renna stares at Sam who disappears into his room upstairs. Renna's glasses come to life, scanning the house effortlessly.

Turning to the kitchen, the outline of the glasses shows again, Renna reaching in and taking them out. ❝ Jarvis, analysis. ❞ On cue, the green glasses zoom into the cracked ones, symbols showing. ❝ This language is not from Earth, Ma'am. ❞ Renna hums, JARVIS taking pictures and as if copies the glasses into a hologram into his database.

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