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Where you can hear the blood sing, it will soon flow.

-Elmar Schenkel (*1953)

The setting sun and its warm rays of light disappeared more and more under the large city wall and tall buildings, which formed many narrow and dark alleyways. The seemingly peaceful atmosphere of Volterra, which could still be admired from the café's vantage point, was lost in the depths of the city.

The heels of my ankle-high shoes clacked on the cobblestones and echoed in the narrow passageways and streets as I gradually approached the Palazzo dei Priori.

I blinked several times against the blinding sun as I stepped out of the darkness of the alleyway and found myself in the large square of my vision. A polygonal fountain stood in the middle of the square, while the light of the sun made the rippling water sparkle. My gaze automatically went to the castle-like structure which, together with its bell tower, was one of the tallest buildings within the walls of Volterra. Goose bumps spread across my body and made my little hairs stand up.

The vampires' lair.

Other less imposing buildings and houses with small stores and restaurants joined the sides of the stone structure, unaware of their dangerous neighbours.

My grey-blue eyes darted over the ever-shrinking crowds of people rushing across the square with quick steps, looking for the familiar face of the older woman. With each new, unfamiliar face, I could feel my shoulders tighten more and more until I finally retreated into the cramped street.

My back leaned against the cold stone walls, and for a brief moment, I regretted putting on a white shirt. With a cursory glance in either direction of the alley, I began to close my eyes and let the woman's face appear.

Her round, wrinkled face was framed by white shoulder-length straight hair.

Rectangular black glasses that emphasized her blue eyes that were set apart.

A broad nose with an equally broad smile underneath.

In the next second, I could feel my mind begin to unravel.

The walking stick rattled as the woman tried to pass through the long, dark passageway. She walked a few meters until she stopped and changed direction. Her head moved to all sides, searching for something familiar.

"Mary?" she asked aloud into the darkness, her voice bouncing off the stone walls. She turned her head the other way again, oblivious to the sudden presence of two cloaked figures approaching her with an unnatural grace. Their footsteps were barely perceptible to human ears despite their considerable height.

They moved towards the old woman almost as if they were floating.

I gasped in fear and pushed myself away from the wall before entering the Palazzo dei Priori.

My fingers clutched the brown shoulder bag at my side as I crossed the square in less than a minute with brisk, almost running steps and made my way to the supposed alleyway. The vampire hideout lined up to my left, so I backed away to the right side of the wall.

I could hear the loud pounding of my heartbeat in my ears as I kept seeing the two figures from my vision flashing before my inner eye.


I quickened my pace as the alleyways around me grew narrower and darker. I stopped at a junction and looked to all sides, which were barely distinguishable from each other due to the lack of light.

"Mary?" I finally heard the woman call out, and my eyes widened. I kept running and finally took the alley to my left when I saw the familiar flash of white hair not far away.

"Cynthia," I said, breathing a sigh of relief as the two shadowy figures melted into the darkness of the surrounding wall within seconds of my arrival. My shoulders relaxed slightly, though I was still aware of their presence.


A cheerful smile appeared on the older woman's lips, and with the help of her walking stick, she quickly tried to go in my direction. I walked towards her just as briskly, partly out of concern she might fall, partly out of fear of leaving her in the presence of the two vampires any longer.

"Mary...sister..." she said again, and my smile took on a slightly pained expression.

"Come on, Cynthia...we're going home." I managed to get out, wrapping my arm around hers as I led her out of the dark alley at a slow walking pace.

Although I didn't want to risk a glance in the direction of the two vampires, most of my concentration was still on every possible movement behind me. When we reached the end of the alley and the junction without any problems, I calmed down.

A colder breeze surrounded us as soon as we rounded the corner, making our hair stand on end. My eyes closed automatically as the tiny strands of my hair tickled my skin.

A low growl abruptly pierced the alley, making the hairs on my neck stand up.

One of the two figures emerged from the shadow of the cold wall and turned his gaze to the two women who had just reached the end of the alley.

His head lifted, revealing an exceptionally beautiful and pale face under his hood, almost perfect.

While his appearance resembled that of an angelic being, his beautiful features became increasingly distorted under the oncoming breeze. His nose quivered, as did his slender body.

The vampire threw his head back, and coal-black eyes fixed on the younger of the two women. His face now contorted into an almost pained expression; he stepped closer.

Both women cried out in fear and panic as the vampire reached them in seconds and had already pulled the brunette into his arms. His black eyes resembled two black holes as he plunged his teeth into the girl's neck.

My sweaty hand groped for the wall beside me and slipped as I tried to hold on. I felt the worried look on the woman next to me.

"Are you all right, Mary Alice?" she asked, and I flinched at the sudden sound in the alley behind us. I just nodded with a pained smile and shakily straightened up again.

On shaky legs, I led her out of the alley.

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