Chapter 5: Getting Ready for School

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Isabel was finishing getting dressed and looking in the mirror. Just then Zuzo appeared, which made Isa jump. "Sorry, I'm still not used to you popping out whenever you want." Isabel said. Zuzo told her he couldn't find anything on the idol in the spirit world and Isa told him of what they found out with Mateo about the idol. "See eye to eye, do you know what that means?" Isabel asks Zuzo. "Maybe, but how about I let you and Isabel figure that out on your own. I mean you and Elena figure that out on your own." Zuzo said. "I forgot you're actually Isabel for a second."

"Why can't you tell us now?" Isabel asks. "If I do tell you what it means then it might not happen." Zuzo said and then disappeared. Isa then heads to her room to see if Elena is ready. "Elena, can I come in?" Isa calls through the door. The door then opens to reveal Elena wearing Isabel's old dress.

 The door then opens to reveal Elena wearing Isabel's old dress

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"What are you wearing?!" Isabel said in shock. "Isn't this what you always wear?" Elena asks. "No, it's what I used to wear, remember." Isa said, "I haven't worn that dress since last month." Isabel then went into her closet to pick out her usual outfit. "Sorry, it's that you looked so cute in this outfit." Elena said. "I know, but I'm growing up. I need a new dress to represent that." Isabel said as she got out her new dress. Elena grabbed the dress and went off to change.

While Elena was changing, Isabel looked at her journal and began writing for a way to improve her invention. "Are you sure you can handle going to school today?" She asks Elena. "Of course, how hard can it be?" Elena called back. "By the way, I asked Zuzo about the whole seeing eye to eye thing and he does know what it means, but he doesn't want to tell us since he wants us to figure it out by ourselves." Isabel said to Elena. "Well I'm sure we can." Elena said as she came out wearing the new outfit.

"Much better

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"Much better." Isabel said as she got out her backpack. "Now I'll help you pack for school." "I thought you didn't need my help?" Elena said remembering what Isa said last night." "Well I'm helping you pack." Isabel said. "It's different." They began to pack Isa's bag and once they were done Elena ask "Are you going to give me your journal?" "I can't. I still need to think how to make my invention work properly." Isabel said, putting her journal down. "I'll give it to you later when you have to work on my invention." The two then made their way down to breakfast.

"Now remember, we can't let anyone know that we swapped bodies." Elena said to Isabel as they made their way to the table where the rest of the family is. While they were eating, Fransico ask "Elena" if she is ready for the banquet. While they were eating, Fransico ask "Elena" if she is ready for the banquet. Isabel didn't know he was talking to her until Elena secretly signal her that he was talking to her. "Oh, yeah. I'm ready for the banquet tonight." Isa said.

"That's good." Francisco said then he turned to "Isabel" and said, "and I guess you're excited for showcasing your new invention." "Uh, yeah. You bet I am." Elena said. "I just need to screw in a few more nuts and bolts and then it will work properly. You know science stuff." "Uh Mija, are you feeling okay?" Luisa asks, noticing how she acted weird. "Oh I'm fine, nothing to worry about." Elena said. "Oh look at the time, I have to go to school now." She then ran out of there leaving behind her backpack at her seat. "I feel like she is a little stressed about today." Esteban said. "Uh yeah, I am just going to give my, I mean Isa's bag back to her." Isabel said and she picked up the bag and left after Elena. "I guess Elena is also stressed about today." Esteban said.

Isabel caught up to Elena and gave her her bag. "I don't think they noticed." Isabel said. "That's good." Elena said as she put Isa's bag on. "Now if you excuse me I have to go to school." "Are you sure you can handle it?" Ask Isa. "Of course I'm sure I can handle school." Elena said as she got on a carriage to take her to Isa's school. "I saved the kingdom a few times, how hard can going to school be?" And with that the carriage was off to Isabel's school.

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