9. Stronger For You

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9| Wren Miller

"Jack?" I look over to my brother, who's busying himself with something on his phone. "Yeah?" He doesn't bother looking up.

Jack is my older brother. He was 16 when I was born, and he moved out when I was 2. He knew my mother is a crazy bitch, and he wasn't willing to stay in the same house with her any longer than he had to.

And at 39 years of age, he looks great.

His hair is still bright blonde, his lips full, his jaw sharp. He definitely took his looks from our father. I, however, took my looks from our mother. AKA, my features are polar opposite from Jack's. I have more rounder features, with dark brown hair.

"It's getting late...are you gonna drive me home or what?" I look over to the clock, hung straight on the wall behind Jack's desk. I didn't expect to stay so long at Jack's office, but I was promised a ride home, so time wasn't a worry for me. Unfortunately, my brother can't keep a promise to save his life.

"Nah, remember that client I told you about?" He shakes his phone in my direction. "Yeah. She wants me to come over, to close the deal with her ASAP." Jack stands up, tugging his blazer over his skinny form. "Sorry sis, you'll have to find your own ride tonight."


Jack, my loyal brother, is the CEO of a real estate company, sometimes they handle construction too. Yawn. God, its a bore just thinking about it. He's been talking about this client - who wants my brothers company to build her a mini mansion - and now, at almost 9 o'clock at night, she wants to close the deal.

"At this time?" I ask, suprised he hasn't already gone home yet.

"Ha! Bold of you to assume a man of my position is ever free from work." He smirks, slipping his keys into his pocket. "Anyways, I told her she could call me at anytime. Goodnight, Sunny." He taps my shoulder, before exiting his office, leaving me alone under the dim light.

Sunny is my nickname, given to me by my uncle. I like it, I guess it fit my bubbly personality when I was a child. Not so much anymore, but the name stuck anyways.

"Night." I say to no-one.

After a few moments of relaxing into the silence, I stand and sway my way to the exit of the building, no point in staying after all.

The night air is cold, sharp, against my thin skin. I tug my dark green jacket - the one I've owned for god knows how long - tight around my body, but the thin leather does barely anything against the icy wind.

I walk down the isolated street, thinking. I think of the past few days. Hell, who am I kidding? I think about Billie. His voice. His touch...

His kiss.

Tugging on my lip with my teeth, I reminisce the feeling. "Kiss me." He said, and I was smart enough to say no, yet dumb enough to cave once he pulled me in closer.

I slowly walk up the concrete steps, in a few moments, I'd be overlooking the sea, which stretches for miles, empty, cold, unbothered. I'd always take this route back to my apartment. Sure, It takes longer, but that view is worth it.

My brother's office building is right near the sea, the street its on is dipped a little, so you have to take a long staircase up to the overlook.

I make it up the few first steps, the only sound being my converse against cracked concrete, and the beautiful sea in the distance.

"Wren." A new sound appears, more beautiful than any sea in the world.

I turn.

He's stood there. My light and my darkness. My devil and my angel. My summer and winter. My love and my hate.

The One That Got Away {Promise: Book One}Where stories live. Discover now