Garden of Shit

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In everyone's garden there is shit, whether literally or figuratively, we pick it up we throw it away, and some hit is fertilizer, some shit is for growing roses and some for toadstools. Choose your manure wisely.

In a garden of roses, we are speaking of the black roses, the ones we grow to keep negativity at bay, though not black in color do I have roses of that hue, in reality in my garden, not yet anyway, the preverbal ones are there. The ones that have grown from the manure that spawns from hurt, pain, jealous people, toxic family and narcissistic friends. They grow to remind me to stay away from what is black and negative in my life, and the family that I have realized is so noxious, and toxic, that they have a garden of their own in my garden of beauty.

A Garden of Shit can be ones ow lies they tell themselves, to make themselves to others look better, or that they are correcting their mistakes. Don't be fooled by the ones that cover their shit, by the way they cover it, you can always tell one is lying or covering up a lie, they talk in circles, they tell a lie and tell another and another. One can try and convince someone that they are on the right path, but the smart ones know better, the ones that carry the wisdom to spot a bullshitter and stop them in their tracks. I choose to take one's shit, and keep in in a compost heap, the proverbial shit pile, in my garden, so as a reminder who to trust and not to trust and keep the shit stirrers at bay. Take some people I know they make up shit, stir the shit, and pour in more shit, which are lies upon lies, and make me feel like the one that is wrong, when I haven't said or done anything to them. I confront, I will hold no bones back, and I won't straddle the fence, I come out and say how I feel, and point out what is wrong, they don't like that, they don't like being confronted with their own shit. Take an alcoholic, they will lie to their family and say they don't drink, they went to a meeting, and twists words around, a couple of days, weeks or a month later their back to drinking again, making up the same stinky shit. They lie to others about others, till the lies are so twisted a distorted, what do you believe? nothing, you can't because, what is truth is not the truth and what is a lie isn't a lie. 

So, in a world of shit, know your garden, protect it, and keep shit at arm's length, and know the truth from lies, and the toxic shit that creeps into so many gardens. Keep shit to fertilize your roses, the right shit, grow from the mistakes of others and don't make the same ones. Like they say you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make them drink, so when one tires of taking shit, having to prove yourself, and fight for what is right, it's time to nurture and grow the garden in oneself, make it beautiful and growing strong and weed the weeds of society and family that try and corrupt, and hurt.

Red Rose-Love


White Rose-Purity

Pink Rose-Innocence

Orange Rose-Playful 

Purple Rose-Wisdom

and a black rose to absorb negativity and keep it from the garden, as it grows beautifully and protects the other roses.

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