𝒱𝐼. 𝑀𝒾𝑔𝓇𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝐵𝒾𝓇𝒹𝓈

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Act One; Chapter Six

Word Count: 2468

[Season One, Episode Three]

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[Season One, Episode Three]


Eve looked over her shoulder and saw Sawyer warmly smiling at her with two mugs, one purple and one pink. Eve then raised her brow and airily questioned, "I'm assuming the pink is for me?"

Sawyer made a face that Eve found rather humorous before replying, "Well, it was going to be, but I kind of, maybe, sort of put all your sugars in the purple by accident."

A laugh escaped Eve, shaking her head in amusement while she reached out to grab the purple mug from Sawyer. "Don't worry, I like purple as well."

"Not as much as pink, though, right?" Sawyer playfully asked as he handed Eve her mug of coffee, and she simply shrugged, taking it from his hand. "Eh, coffee is coffee, no matter what color of mug it's in."

"Wise words, Rhee," Sawyer commented, taking a seat next to Eve on the log she was on. Since Sophia and Carl were playing a couple feet away from the adults, they kept a close eye on them while they drank their morning coffee together.

Eve took a small break from her coffee so she could look around the camp for the children's parents, and when she couldn't find them, she asked Sawyer, "Where are Lori and Carol?"

"Uh, Lori's in Dale's RV, and Carol is washing Rick's uniform right now."

A genuine, surprised expression appeared on Eve's face. "I'm shocked you're not helping her."

The reason being that when camp was first established and chores were divided by Shane, he gave only the women the cleaning and cooking ones. Sawyer tried to tell his brother that wasn't fair, but he got rather aggressively told off by Shane. So Sawyer walked away with his tail in between his legs and decided to help the woman as much as he could with the chores, much to Shane's dislike because, to quote him exactly, "Cleaning and cooking are a woman's job, not a manly man's like you, Sawyer."

Sawyer sighed. "I tried, but she kept shooing me away, so I finally gave up and decided to make coffee for me and you instead."

"Ah, gotcha," Eve softly replied while getting ready to take another sip out of her mug.

After that, Carl and Sophia ran off into the woods, causing Sawyer and Eve to spring up to their feet and call out two different things at the same time.

"Hey, Don't go in there!"

"It isn't safe to go that far into the woods, guys!"

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