𝒳. 𝐻𝑒'𝓈 𝒶 𝐹𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹

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Act One; Chapter Ten

Word Count: 2937

[Season One, Episode Four]

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[Season One, Episode Four]

Somewhere in the midst of Eve sobbing into Sawyer's shoulder, she passed out, and when she did, it scared the ever living daylights out of Sawyer. Because when someone you care about suddenly goes from uncontrollably shaking to completely still and limp, you panic. However, the others quickly came to his side and calmed him down by informing him that Eve had just passed out. Then, after that, Sawyer gently picked up Eve's bridal style and carried her to the bed inside Dale's RV.

"I must say, Mr. and Mrs. Rhee, your daughter is just absolutely exceptional."

Albert and Mary both smiled brightly with pride, the latter grabbing her husband's hand. "Our Genevieve has always been miles ahead of her siblings and the children in her class, so we've finally decided to test her abilities."

"Well, I'd say that was a very good decision from you both. Genevieve has a general intelligence quotient of 101, an average word per minute of 98, and even shows strong signs of having an eidetic memory."

The smiles on Eve's parents faltered ever so slightly, but it wasn't noticeable to the test practitioner, so when Mary slowly asked, "Only a 101... are you sure?" The test practitioner became incredibly confused.

"Mrs. Rhee, I assure you that a 101 intelligence quotient for a twelve-year-old is more than sufficient when the average of her age is between 40 and 65."

Albert nodded in acknowledgment at the test practitioner's words and added, "Yes, we are very aware; we just thought she'd score a bit higher, that's all." After he said that, all the adults chuckled as if it were just some humorous joke. However, Eve, who was mindlessly overhearing the conversation as she played with a half-completed Rubik's cube, knew there was more to her father's words.

Later in the day, Eve was sitting on her bottom bunk bed coloring while Glenn attempted to finish the Rubik's cube Eve had played with earlier.

"Ugh!" Glenn rather loudly grumbled, causing Eve to giggle, then the former hooked his legs around the railing of his bed and spun down onto Eve's mattress in one swift motion.

"You really should stop doing that," Eve lectured out of concern as she moved to give her brother some more room to sit.

Glenn rolled his eyes with an amused smile. "Ah right, because I could." Glenn then paused and cleared his throat so he could copy their dad's voice: "One of these days you're going to crack your skull open by doing that you foolish boy."

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