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Act One; Chapter Twelve

Word Count: 44570

[Season One, Episode Four]

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[Season One, Episode Four]

After about an hour and a half of playing with Sophia and Carl to celebrate her being awake, Eve felt utterly exhausted, and despite her best efforts to hide it, Sawyer could tell she was straining herself. So Sawyer excused himself from keeping watch and politely asked Shane to take over. He of course did so since Sawyer was his little brother, however he wasn't too thrilled to do so since he assumed that his little brother would be going over to chat with Eve. Surely enough, much to Shane's dismay, he was right, but he kept a straight face despite his chagrin.

Meanwhile, as Eve caught her breath, Sawyer approached her and the still-sprinting kids who were playing tag. A comforting smile appeared on the younger Walsh's face as he gently placed his hand on Eve's shoulder so he could get her attention. In reaction to this, she swirled in his direction and returned Sawyer's smile, albeit half-forced due to her exhaustion.

"Hey, why don't you go back to the RV and get some sleep before dinner?"

Whilst keeping up her strained smile, Eve dismissed Sawyer's suggestion. "Nah, I'll be fine."

Sawyer internally chuckled, not even being surprised by Eve's stubbornness, next he grinned mischievously and jested, "I mean, are you sure? It looks like you're about to pass out again any minute now."

Immediately following that, Sawyer crossed his arm lightly and carefully pushed Eve with his shoulder, his grin growing and his eyes sparkling with playfulness. "I mean, I personally wouldn't mind carrying you like a princess again, but the others might get worried, ya know?"

Slowly, Eve sent Sawyer a deadpan stare, but the moment she made eye contact with him, erupted into laughter, causing Sawyer to as well. Eve then jovially rolled her eyes as she playfully and repeatedly smacked the side of Sawyer's arm in a scolding manner. Which only caused the pair to laugh even more, and the noise attracted the attention of the previous playing kids.

"Are you going to join us, Mr.Sawyer?" Sophia asked delightfully, running up to the pair with Carl by her side.

As the two children quickly approached, Sawyer squatted down so he could be at their eye level. "I will, but first I've gotta take Evie back into the RV so she can rest."

"I told you I'm fine," Eve sighed exasperatedly, sending another somewhat irked expression towards Sawyer. Which only made him chuckle and impishly shrug with a sly grin. The reason for said grin being that Sawyer knew if the two kids even had an inkling that Eve was overdoing it and needed more rest. The children would force her to do so, and since she didn't want to worry them, Eve would begrudgingly listen. Albeit, Sawyer knew she'd be annoyed with him for playing this unfair card, but he didn't mind if Eve was upset with him...not if it meant she would be well rested and okay.

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