𝒳𝒱. 𝑀𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝑀𝑜𝓋𝑒

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Act One; Chapter Fifteen

Word Count: 4178

[Season One, Episode Six]

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[Season One, Episode Six]

[Trigger Warning: Implied Homophobia]

After everyone finished their dinner, Jenner led the group downstairs to where they would be staying. It was a hallway that had a multitude of rooms to choose from on either side. Then down the hall was a rather large rec room where they could relax as long as it didn't consume any power. That, however, wasn't the main takeaway for everyone—that honor went to the fact there was hot water they could use to shower with.

Jules had just finished her shower and was now changing into a fresh pair of clothes she swiped from storage. It was a simple outfit of a loose t-shirt and sweat-shorts paired with plain white socks, but it was comfortable and, most importantly, clean. Truth be told, Jules was really disappointed that there weren't any clean bras or underwear in storage as well, but beggars can't be choosers. Yet somehow there was leftover blonde hair dye, and Jules jumped right at it when she saw it.

Some people in the group thought it was utterly stupid that Jules cared about keeping her hair blonde when the world had actually ended and the dead were eating people. Hell, even Jules herself thought it was ridiculous, but she couldn't bring herself not to care because her natural hair color made her look way too much like her dad.

Suddenly, a knock sounded from the closed door, and since it was locked, Jules quickly put on her socks and jumped off the couch to open it. When she did so, was greeted by a rather tipsy Glenn with a broad, giddy smile holding a bottle of wine.


"Hi," Jules greeted back in an amusement tone and held back a chuckle.

A moment went by before Glenn spoke again. "Can I, uh, come in?"

Jules nodded her head gleefully, stepped aside from the door, and motioned for him to enter. "Of course."

When Glenn walked in, he tripped on his own two feet, and despite Jules best efforts to catch him, fell flat on his face with a loud thud.

"Oh my god!" Jules yelped in concern, rushing over to him. "Are you okay?"

"Don't worry." Glenn reassured as Jules helped him sit up. Next he proudly held the wine bottle in victory. "None of the wine spilled."

Jules couldn't help but scoff a laugh and lightheartedly roll her eyes. "Glad to see you have your priorities straight."

"That I do," Glenn replied in a giggle before taking a big swig out of the bottle.

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