Chapter 7: Married

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Vibes - Chase Atlantic



The night unfortunately comes to an end around midnight, and Charles is sending me back home. He's driving slower than he drove on the way to the date, and I can't tell whether it's because he doesn't want this to end, or because he likes driving at night. I like to believe it's the former. We eventually pull up to my house, and he parks the car by the front door.

Charles opens my door for me, always remembering to offer a hand out for balance. I grab it and we linger by the car as he closes it shut. We stare at each other for what feels like an eternity, and I feel fireflies light up inside my stomach. His smile is like sugar as he pulls me in for a hug.

"I really hate for tonight to end," he takes the words right out of my mouth as he pulls away, walking me to my front door despite it being less than ten steps away.

"Me too, Charles," I agree. "This was the best night I've had in... Gosh, I don't know, years maybe,"

"But it would be worse for me to spend the night," he chuckles.

"Maybe for you," I say. "You're too much of a gentleman."

"Or maybe I just have no self-restraint around you, Julianna," he plays, and I can't help but fawn over my name in his mouth.

"Stay," I hold onto his hand. "Please,"

"God," he says, and his tone leaks with yearning. It's as if we've held out on each other too long-- like we have history that transcends the mere week we've known each other for. "You're making it so hard for me to be a gentleman, mon amour,"

"Then don't be one," I say as I pull him in by the chin, holding his face just centimetres away from mine. "Mon amour," I return.

He stares at my lips, and I stare at his. It's clear we're both thinking the same thing. And yet, he draws back and straightens his posture. If it had been any other man, I would have felt offended, but because it is Charles, I stand in front of him with a big, dumb grin. He opts for a kiss on the cheek instead, and I feel his lips against my face, planting themselves onto my skin like a sticker.

I reciprocate the action, liking the innocence of it. I fish the keys out of my bag, opening my front door.

"Goodnight, Julianna," he wishes as I walk into the house, turning to face him again. He kisses me once more, this time at the top of my head.

"Goodnight, Charles," I reply, flush pink. "Get home safely, my dear,"

"Anything for you," he flirts back, and it feels like high school all over.

I watch as he gets into his black Ferrari and drives off before shutting the door, smile plastered onto my face like it's permanent.

He's going to become a huge problem.




how'd it go lover boy


more than amazing


So you're cheating on me? 😞

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