𝒳𝒱𝐼. 𝒞𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉𝒹𝑜𝓌𝓃

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Act One; Chapter Sixteen

Word Count: 4187

[Season One, Episode Six]

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[Season One, Episode Six]

The moment Glenn woke up, not in his room, with a cot nearby the couch he was on and the bathroom door shut with the sink running, he became terribly confused since the majority of last night was a complete blur for him. Then once the sink stopped running and the door swung open with Jules on the other side, Glenn practically fell off the couch in surprise.

"Oh, hey, you're finally up," Jules greeted. "I hope I didn't wake you."

Glenn slowly shook his head carefully in order to not upset his head more than it already was. "You didn't."

"Okay, phew, now I'm all done with the bathroom, so whenever you're ready, you can use it, and I hope you don't mind, but I've set out a new pair of clothes for you to change into by the side table."

After saying that, Jules sprung out of the door frame, grabbed the extra pair of toothbrush and toothpaste she grabbed earlier, and tossed them at Glenn with a playful grin. "Oh, and you'll definitely want to brush your teeth at least three times considering how you puked up your entire fucking body weight and then some last night."

When Glenn heard Jules say that, he discreetly cupped his right hand in front of his mouth and blew air out so he could check his breath—Which unfortunately did in fact smell like vomit, causing Glenn's heart to drop to his stomach. It was already bad enough. Glenn had a crush on a girl who he thought was way out of his league, but now he had completely embarrassed himself in front of her.

Jules picked up on his unusually bleak mood and, in an attempt to cheer him up, lightheartedly stated. "Hey, don't worry about it; that wasn't my first rodeo in cleaning up puke."

That didn't help make Glenn feel better at all; in fact, it actually made him feel worse, so he covered his face in utter shame and groaned, "God, I'm so sorry."

"Hey, hey!" Jules started to wave off before rushing up to sit on the couch's armrest and placing a comforting hand on Glenn's shoulder. "There's nothing to feel sorry about; it's not like you can control when you get sick, especially when you're that shitfaced drunk."

A soft chuckle left Glenn as he dropped his hands onto his lap, looked over at Jules, and gave her a small, pleading smile. "Please tell me that was the only dumb, royally embarrassing thing I did last night."

"Whelp, sorry, but you also tripped over your own feet and fell flat on your face when you walked in here."

Horror flooded Glenn's face, causing Jules to erupt into laughter. "You really don't remember that? You were also really proud about not spilling any wine afterwards."

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