XII) The Plan

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Me and the boys gathered around my cabin, they anxiously watched me as I fell back asleep.

The booming voice returned.

Ahh, Percy, are you here to threaten me again? Did you forget I'm a god and you're in my realm.

Why, are you threatened by my presence? I said smirking.

You're confidence reeks of pain, hmm, I wonder why, oh, oh, maybe it's because you're girlfriends in danger and it's all you're fault.

You're lying! She's not in danger, you can't hurt her!

But I can, and I will

The dream shifted, I saw Annabeth, she was crying. But she looked different, pale and lifeless.

"Percy?" She asked.

"Annabeth!" I reached out to her but she vanished before I could.

Haha, you won't win, I am the god of dreams, and I'll make sure all you get are nightmares.

"Where is Annabeth!" I yelled.

You won't be able to save her. In the end, it won't matter.

"No!" I said.

Another image of Annabeth appeared in front of me, it was the day we broke up.

She sat there crying, her normally vibrant grey eyes turned stormy and bloodshot. It hurt like hell seeing her like this. Then she turned to me.

"Why did you talk to me? Why did you ruin my life?" A lifeless voice echoed out her mouth. "It's all you're fault, Perceus. You should've left me alone."

"No," I said reaching out for her hand but she just stared at me blankly. "I love you Annabeth! Please, don't go!" I yelled, but to no avail.

Then the dream shifted again, tears fell from my eyes uncontrollably, I felt like a monster, worse than anything I've ever killed before.

This time I saw Annabeth, she looked the same but she was happier.

This is what her life could've been, if you hadn't intervened

She walked past the hallways with her friends, then she stopped by a locker and kissed a boy, not just any boy, David Sheft.

"No!" I yelled out.

If you hadn't disrupted anything, they would've been happy, David may not be perfect but he is a far better lover than you.

He is an asshole!

Then what are you? The god asked, scoffing.

I shot out my bed.

"Percy! What happened?" They asked me.

"You were shaking in you're sleep man, are you okay?" Frank asked.

"I'm- no- I- I." I stuttered, I was at the brink of tears, I was scared.

My entire body was shaken up, I couldn't believe what I had seen.

"I- I need some Air." I told them.

I walked out of the cabin, I felt limp as I walked, I felt like puking.

I sat by the edge of the cliff, feeling hopeless, she hates me, she's in danger and I'm at fault, I am too weak to protect her, I can't stop him, what was the point of life?

The voices didn't help either, they kept rambling on and on about how everything sucked and how terrible I am.

I wish I could see her again, I wish I wasn't a demigod. How could Aphrodite be so cruel? But now that I think about it, all gods are cruel. How could fate be so cruel?

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