Pretty Hurts

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The stage lights blared towards us as we posed, patiently waiting for our own chances to be in the spotlight.

This was just another stage.

The announcer waved me over, indicating it was my turn. I quickly widened my smile, as bright and white as it could be.

With my hands strategically laid against my curves to conceal them, I stepped down and elegantly sashayed towards the man with the microphone.

He held his hand out for me and I accepted, grasping it for support as I ever-so-slightly swivelled my hips, to show off my slim figure.

"You've done a great job in the competition so far." He remarked and I nodded with a grin.

"Thank you."

My face ached, not from the smiling but from exhaustion. I felt I could faint if I had to suck my stomach in any longer.

"As have all our ladies. Let's give them another hand, shall we?" He moved in inch away from me, gesturing to the women behind me.

The audience applauded. Their clapping being the push we needed to progress further.

"So beautiful, so poise!" He continued.

I gave all of my attention to the judges and audience, maintaining the grin.

When the onlookers quietened down, the man moved closer to me, ready to speak directly to me again.

I braced myself, running every answer I'd rehearsed in my head. Over and over again.

"Miss Third Ward—your first question." He began. "What is your aspiration in life?" He extended his arm, making sure the microphone was closer to me.

Although I displayed an expression of composure and perfection, my heart beat rampantly out of my chest. My brain couldn't formulate the answer I needed quick enough.

"My aspiration in life?" I repeated to myself. "Wow, that's a great question." I bobbed my head. "I wasn't expecting that question."

The words left my mouth before I could compute. In my head, I was drowning in all the endless outcomes of whatever I'd choose to say.

What is my aspiration in life?

The question echoed in my mind, as if it were being played on loud speakers all around me.

Aspiration in life?

Again, nothing solid enough to announce crossed my brain. So I did what I told myself not to do. Which was to give a generic answer.

"Uh—well, my aspiration in life, would be," I paused, remembering to engage with the judges. "To be happy." I expressively smiled, evening out my features.

The room erupted in applause, indicating my questioning was over and I could somewhat breathe again.



Pageants were a celebration of beauty, talent, and confidence. They provided a platform for individuals to showcase their unique qualities and make a positive impact on society. They were all about embracing diversity and empowering individuals to shine their brightest.

However, in its simplest term, it was a beauty contest.

Yet, all it truly consisted of was women being judged based on external factors; such as physique. Women were put under a microscope, just to be told they weren't perfect enough.

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