Mama's Little Girls

563 47 65

Beyoncé Knowles
13 May 2019
City Court of Atlanta

I sighed, shuffling the papers in front of me as I stood on the left side of the courtroom. Behind me sat Rita, Willie and Maya.

On the right sat Keri and Joe with their lawyer. My girls were seated behind them.

With no one to represent me and a lack of legal knowledge, I was in a rut. But I'd do everything in my power to try get my girls back.

"Where's your lawyer?" The judge questioned, addressing me.

"Uh, sir, I can't afford one," I started, looking his way, "but I do have all my paperwork, your honour. And—"

"Are you ready to begin?" He asked, interrupting me.

I met his gaze. "Uh. Yes, sir." With that, I stood to my feet.

From my peripheral, I saw someone else enter the courtroom, accompanied by the sounds of heels clicking against the floor.

Instead of acknowledging that, I focused on the task at hand. "My kids were taken from me—"

The judge interrupted me again. "The court is aware of that. But first I'd like to hear about the incident that happened at school."

"Your honour, he gave my daughter weed to sell in school, so I had—"

Keri rolled her eyes and loudly scoffed.

"Ms. Knowles has no evidence to support that allegation." Keri's lawyer spoke up. "However, we have documentation that demonstrates that Ms. Knowles has a history of violent behaviour."

I sighed, looking between the lawyer and the judge.

"Your honour, I'm caught between a rock and a hard place here." I expressed. "You know, the courts won't help me. My daughters are living with this man. You know, what am I supposed to do right here?"

Keri's lawyer started speaking again. "Your honour, not only are we requesting full custody—with no visitation—but also a restraining order against Ms. Knowles."

My mouth opened to speak, but he didn't stop talking.

"She assaulted my client and threatened bodily injury—"

"Your honour, this man is giving DRUGS to my kids?!"

"What proof of that do you have?" The judges asked me.

Why the hell would I lie about a known drug dealer trying to groom my daughter into dealing?

"Absolutely none—" Keri's lawyer glanced at me, but someone intervened.

"Your honour?" That annoying voice erupted from behind me.

I peered over my shoulder, seeing Maraj stand from a seat at the back. With her purse in her hand, she walked over towards me.

After our last encounter, she was the very last person I wanted to see or hear from.

"Ms. Maraj." The judge greeted her, showing his respects.

Once she was next to me, she finished speaking. "I'll be representing Ms. Knowles."

We locked eyes and she flashed a very small, barely noticeable smile my way.

"I'd like to request a continuance at this time, so I might be brought up to speed." She directed to the judge.

"Your honour, this has gone on long enough." Keri's lawyer said. "My client is ready to put this behind her."

When I looked over, I could see a little panic on all three of their eyes.

Maraj just smiled at the lawyer. "Perhaps counsel might like to remind his client that in family court, it's not what's best for the parent but rather what's in the best interest of the child."

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