All I Need

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"Don't piss me off, Eli."


"I just explained what the fuck happened and you're still talking to me. I shouldn't have answered the fucking phone."

I only answered in case the call had something to do with my kids. Other than that, I couldn't care less what he had to say.

"On top of that, your lawyer hasn't gotten back to mine about the settlement. Why is that?" I asked him, trying my best to just watch the road.

"Because I changed my mind."

"Elijah, this is not a game! There are children involved. Think about them and what's best for them. You selfish piece of shit."

"I am thinking about what's best for them. I should have primary custody, since your work is demanding."

"I'm their primary provider. I was pregnant for 27 months in total. I was in labour for 33 hours in total. I named all three of my kids." I listed off angrily. "And you? You're useless. You barely pay the child support they allocated you and you want to be the main parent? Fuck outta here."

"I don't want my kids around all that cussing you be doing."

"Fuck you, Elijah!" I was quick to hang the phone up, since he was tap dancing on my nerves, like a jackass.

Honestly, I was glad my flight was cancelled. I really didn't want to be leaving the country right now, especially with the custody battle still going on.

I also had a feeling my eldest son was up to something. I left him home alone because he said he didn't want to go to his dad's and he wanted more quiet study time for his finals.

So my car smoothly turned into my neighbourhood, seeing more cars than usual. My first thought was to ignore until I saw the cars all facing one direction.

My house.

"I will kill his ass." I gritted to myself, slightly hunching over the wheel to inspect my home further.

Not only were most of the lights on, but music was blaring from my home, which I made a deal of keeping the quietest, in this white ass neighbourhood.

I struggled to find parking, in my own driveway. So I parked further down the street, cursing under my breath.

Once I'd taken a moment to breathe, I grabbed my essentials and chose to leave my luggage in my car for the time being.

I climbed out of my car, situating my Loubitons against the concrete. I shut my door behind myself, trudging towards the house.

The closer I got, the angrier I became. Not only did he violate my trust, but he violated the place where both myself and my other children lived. So it was safe to say I was livid.

I was well aware that it was kickback season after high schoolers finished school, but I didn't think my son was stupid enough to host one of those.

I made it to the front door which was shut, but not locked. Upon opening it, I was hit with the pungent smells of youth. Not the good kind. Just must, alcohol and hints of cannabis.

My first thought was to find that dumb ass son of mine, so I pushed my way through the hallway. Snatching up my home decor from the hands of those teens.

"Do not touch that." I snatched a very expensive crystal sculpture from one of them, taking it with me.

I found Junior, digging through my freezer, not caring about the mess all over the kitchen. His carelessness made me wonder if this was the first time he'd done this.

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