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Changbin loved the smell of Felix's room. 

It always smelled the same, and had for the whole time that they'd been friends. Fresh, clean, and if anyone asked what scent he used, Felix would shrug and claim he didn't know. Changbin knew the younger well enough now to know his parents bought him anything he wanted, Guerlain being the scent of choice, but that Felix didn't like to brag about expensive brands. 

"Make yourself at home," Felix tutted. He'd walked back into his bedroom with an armful of snacks and drinks, and found Changbin sprawled out on the bed, limbs spread out around him. "At least take your shoes off, Bin, please?"

There was a groan and then a thump as Changbin kicked his shoes off and they hit the floor. Felix smiled at him, grateful, and before Changbin could complain he had thrown the snacks onto the bed, and then followed them. 

Felix landed with his head heavy on Changbin's stomach. The weight he had dropped with was enough to push a breath out of Changbin's chest, and he frowned down at an innocent looking Felix whilst he tried to suck a breath back in.

"What?" Felix pouted. "You're comfy."

If it was anyone else, Changbin might've argued back. 

Almost an apology, Felix grabbed a bag of crisps and threw them in the vague direction of Changbin's face, the sound of plastic rustling a sign that the older's reflexes had kicked in and that he'd caught the bag before it could hit him.

Changbin hummed contently. Turtle Chips, his favourite. Felix wasn't looking at him, too busy gazing up at the phone he had hovering above his face, but still Changbin smiled at him sweetly. 

Felix was that friend. He knew your favourite type of snacks, your favourite drink, what films you liked to watch on your own and what you needed when you'd had a bad day. (Changbin needed babying, Seungmin needed someone to tease, and Jisung needed to be as far away from human life as physically possible). Felix knew all this, but he never lorded it over anyone, never used it against them. He just liked to do nice things. 

It always shocked Changbin to remember he'd only known the blonde for just over a year. 

You could've told him it was a decade ago, the day that he'd first seen Felix, near enough shaking with nerves but trying his best to steel himself as he stood in front of their class and introduced himself as 'Lee Felix, from Australia.'

A lot of the other kids in the school had treat him as a bit of a novelty, and he'd bounced around a few different friend groups, charming people with a shy smile and a flush in his cheeks that spread up to the tips of his ears whenever anyone would compliment him. 

It wasn't until the truth came out - Felix's parents were rich, the type of old money that had allowed them to emigrate to Australia, and then back to South Korea with ease. Not the same type of rich as Changbin or the other prefects' parents, not business rich or fame rich, but rich nonetheless. 

Jisung had approached him warily, and Changbin had guessed that it was just because Felix had money. It was vain, but it was how friendships worked in their school. One of the few things that made Changbin feel grateful for the empire his mother had built. It was safe, being friends with other rich kids. 

Most of the other students were shocked, the first day that Felix spent time with Jisung and co, and even more shocked when Felix showed up to school literally the next day with a glossy Prefect badge pinned crooked on his blazer. 

No one was more shocked, though, than Changbin. Felix was a world away from Seungmin and Jisung, Changbin's best friends but also admittedly two of the worst people he had ever met. Changbin had expected Felix to run a mile the first time Seungmin took his teasing a little too far. Felix, for whatever reason, had stayed. 

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