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 Seungmin waited for a while before the car rolled up. A Mercedes S-Class, tinted windows, sleek and elegant in shining black. The driver even stepped out after the car had slowed to a halt, went to open to door for the person sitting in the backseat.

It opened before he could. 

Minho slinked out, his head tucked low and a hunch to his shoulders. A true contrast to the luxury of the car, he was dressed in baggy sweatpants and a hoodie that swamped him, and he looked rough. Like he hadn't slept. 

This was confirmed when Minho dragged his eyes up. Seungmin met his gaze first, before taking in pronounced dark circles and a haggard pull to the tension in his jaw. It tensed further when Minho registered who was waiting on the doorstep. 

"What the fuck?" Minho pushed past Seungmin even as he muttered it under his breath, and Seungmin turned lithely on expectant feet. He avoided the contact and was able to turn and watch Minho shove a key into the lock in the front door. "Why are you here?"

They were a funny pair, standing like this in front of the mansion that Minho was unlocking the door to, and Seungmin noted that Minho was even doing this surreptitiously. Like he was hiding it from Seungmin, like he would rather seem like he was breaking and entering than admit to such wealth. 

"I know who you are," Seungmin stated into the air between them. 

Minho halted, hand stilling on the door knob, a sarcastic grin thrown over his shoulder. "Yeah, man, I hope you do. We have like, four classes together."

"I know who you are. Where you're from." The tone in Seungmin's voice didn't waver or bend. 

Tension pulled at his shoulders as Minho stood back from the door and faced Seungmin instead. His face was tight, too, the frozen rigidity of someone who felt threatened.

"Yeah?" Minho breathed through gritted teeth. 

"I know everything."

A short laugh from the older. "You sound just like Jisung."

"You'd know."

Minho shrugged. "I can just imagine all of the prefects have this energy. I know everything. It's cringey at this point."

"Jisung thinks he knows everything," shot back Seungmin with a snort. 

"But you know more?"

"Easy. Jisung knows nothing." Seungmin's gaze was critical. He was searching, looking for another sign from Minho that might show him what the older was thinking. People usually hid these things, but Minho seemed to put his on display. 

"And how do you know so much about me?" asked Minho, cocking his head. 

Seungmin stepped closer. Despite being younger, he was taller than Minho, but weedier. He used this to his advantage and moved close enough to look down on Minho. The older did little more than smirk. 

"I know about your dad, Minho." He was close enough to whisper it, but it was loud enough to register shock on Minho's face.

Seungmin wasn't expecting Minho to conceal it, but then the older did, his eyes narrowing and his mouth straightening into fixed nonchalance. "My dad's a businessman. He runs one of the top 3 corporations in the country."

The words seemed painful for Minho to spit out. The few times they had spoke before, Minho had spoke easily, but this felt like it took strength. Seungmin's face twisted momentarily into a smile. 

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