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I just realized...
AvM The Prank was made cuz of April Fools Day 😉


This was like the funniest episode Alan and his team have made so far! At least, I laughed a lot.

First part: Red and TSC: Ship ❤️
That was just adorable. You can't deny it.

Green is like a flipping cat!!! 😼
He can dodge well, agile as flip, and uh... I guess he's moody sometimes... (Couldn't think of a good third reason)

And even happier that she helped Red prank Green, like any true best friend would do 😝
I love that Red was like
"Purple I need yo help cuz your the prank master."
And then goes all out explaining how Green just won't get caked in da face. 🎂

And, you realize, Red has skills upon skills!
She can engineer like Yellow, cook, maybe not as good as Blue, but very well, she knows how to use potions, and she can create literal monsters!

Her main skills that are obvious to everyone is her animal friendliness, spawn eggs, she's a troublemaker, and she's in general friendly! Maybe less obvious to other people is her excellent fighting skills. ✨😌


But something you should notice about Red is...

1. She didn't "learn her lesson" from being in "barrier prison" (being grounded) and she is still a troublemaker. (Literally get mad when her troublemaking doesn't work)

2. Alan has been making her main character in these AvM episodes (at least for the past two episodes) and I'm begin to think, could Red possibly be someone who is really involved when the real drama kicks back in? I can't word my thoughts on this but I just think Red is going to have some big part in the actual drama drama when it happens.
Also with Green too, He's been very much involved too, he's still in it a lot...

But for the next episode Alan makes, it's probably going to be someone else that it focuses on, just gonna call it, cuz Alan wouldn't make Red main character for 3 whole episodes in a row...
Would he?

Also, did y'all see how many dance moves Green did while dodging cake?! 🤣 I'm sorry that part was hilarious.

And also I'm going to try and call the next release date for a Minecraft episode, cuz surprise surprise, I called that Episode 34 would be released this or next week. So let's see...

August 3 or 10th or July 27th

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August 3 or 10th or July 27th

Just a guess. It all depends on how AWESOME the episode will be. Like, if it's a big ol' episode full of action, time will vary. So don't get your hopes up :)

If I have more thoughts on this video, I'll add 'em...
(Also, feel free to add your own ideas too in the comments or whatever)

Now don't mind me while I go lick dirt 😋
(seriously delicious. Tastes like whipped cream and chocolate. Do not suggest you try.)

Also, I saw this on YouTube comments, but it's prolly gonna be cannon now or whatever, Purple has a tree house.
We should give it a name...
If cannon stuff hasn't already, go ahead and name it ☺️

I'm adding the treehouse to my stories 👍🤙

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