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"GIVE US BACK THE GIRL!" The solider yelled throwing a huge rock their way.

Chi gasps as Zuko jumps in and kicks the rock away having Chi open her eyes to see they were not crushed. 

"Excellent form, Prince Zuko," Iroh praised as Zuko glanced to him. 

"You taught me well Uncle," He responds with a slight smile. 

"Surrender yourselves. It's five against two. You're clearly outnumbered!" 

"Actually its 3 against five," Chi says standing next to Zuko. 

"Chi, what are you doing?" Zuko whispered yelled looking at her. 

"Protecting you," 

"That's my job!" 

"Yeah, that's true Chi you should sit this one out these are Earth benders, but with me and my nephew you are clearly outmatched," Iroh said causing Chi to slump her shoulders. 

The solders fire rocks, but Iroh destroys them all with fire. Zuko takes out two soldiers with fire. A rock is fired at him, but Iroh catches it and throws it back at the soldiers, knocking them down. The captain fires three rocks at Zuko, which he dodges. Zuko counters with fire blasts that are dodged. The captain brings up a large mass of rock, however, Iroh throws fire around his ankles, knocking him and causing the rocks to fall on top of him. The soldiers are heard groaning underneath the rocks. Chi couldn't help but sigh. 

"I feel so useless even with my fighting skills I cant seem to help either of you!" Chi says crossing her arms as Zuko turns to her. 

"Chi, I understand how you feel, believe me I do more than anyone but I was so worried about you, not knowing where you were or if they did anything to you frightened me. You cannot attack benders you are a non bender Chi, they could hit you in an instant and you'll be out, I dont want that for you,"


"Prince Zuko is right Chi, you have impeccable fighting skills I will agree, but when it comes to danger we want you in no harms way," 

"Now then hold still," Zuko says as he places a hand on the cuffs. 

Zuko took a deep breath as the cuffs began to melt and soon enough they broke apart as Chi's wrists were free. She instantly went and placed her arms around Zuko's neck nuzzling her face in the crook of his neck. 

"Thank you for saving me,"

"Of course, I was going to find you no matter what," He says smiling as Iroh looked at the sky and saw the Avatar's bison. 

"Prince Zuko, its the Avatar," He announced as Zuko looked up to indeed see the avatar flying away. 

Chi pulled away from him as she looked at his eyes innocently. 

"Should we follow him?" 

"Maybe later, right now we need to get you cleaned up," Zuko says pulling a twig out of Chi's hair. "And you need this back," he says smiling as he held out her shoe. 

She gasps as she takes it from him and instantly puts it back on. She giggles. 

"I'm glad we were able to save my shoe,"  She said as Zuko held her hand as the three walked back to the ship. 


After a good shower and finally putting on some nice Clothes, Chi got out of the bathroom and blinked in surprise at seeing Zuko sitting on her bed patiently waiting. 

"Zuko?" She questions tilting her head in confusion. 

"Chi, I have to tell you something," he begins getting up. 

"What is it Zuko?"

"Its going to get dangerous, were going to sail through fire nation waters for the Avatar,"

This causes her to gasp as her eyes widened in horror. 

"What? Zuko no! You're banished from the fire nation what if your father finds out?"

"Its a risk I'm willing to take, he will understand why I am returning home,"

Chi shook her head as her head hit his chest. 

"Zuko, please you can't do this, if were caught I may not ever see you again, they'll take me back home..... Is that what you want? Us to grow apart?"

"Of course not! Chi, nobody is taking you away from me, from us, Chi I love you," he says grabbing onto her hands having her look him in the eyes. 

"I love you too and thats why you have to understand we cannot go into fire nation waters! Drop the Avatar just this once,"  she pleaded giving him the puppy dog eyes she knows he cant resist.

"I cannot do that, I'm only telling you this because I know Uncle will not approve of my actions, are you with me or against me on this Chi? I need your support here," 

Chi sighed looking into Zuko's eyes. This might be her last time seeing Zuko so of course she'll spend her final moments with him. She sighed as he released her hands.

"Alright Zuko, I'm in, I'll stand by you on your decisions," 

"Thank you Chi," Zuko says placing a finger under her chin before placing his lips on hers in a passionate kiss. 

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